Denominationalism: Permissible or Reprehensible?
Many folks within the domain of “Christendom” applaud the system of “denominationalism.” But does the “denominational” principle have the approval of Scripture?
Did Paul Sin in Submitting to the Temple Ritual?
One of the most controversial contexts in the book of Acts has to do with Paul’s activity in the Jerusalem temple, as recorded in Acts 21. Did the apostle violate the law of God in “purifying” himself in that ritual? Some so claim, but is this a necessary conclusion?
Is There Not A Cause?
The account of David and Goliath’s battle teaches numerous spiritual principles.
The Roman Catholic – Lutheran Peace Treaty
On October 31, 1999 in Augsburg, Germany, representatives of Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism met to sign a “peace treaty” of sorts.
This Generation Shall Not Pass Away
Are the visible signs of Matthew 24 indicators of the Lord’s Second Coming or of a conflict that would occur within the life span of “that generation”?
Do Not Sin Against the Children
It is time that we recognize the value of our children. They are the future of this world. We must care for them, teach them, and fortify their precious souls against the evils that would assault them.
Acts 2:38—Not So Tough
Another argument which denies the essential role baptism plays in our salvation is answered.
Acts 17:26 – The Family of Man
The family of man is one, and the Bible was right about this issue 2000 years ago!
Flesh and Blood Did Not Reveal It
Is there any evidence that Jesus really was the Son of God?
Congregational Autonomy: Not a Shield for Error
The Scriptures teach that each congregation of the Lord’s body is under self-rule, but with limitations. Sadly, some do not recognize these limitations and jeopardize their fidelity to sound doctrine.
Meet Ted Turner—Thanks, I’d Rather Not!
A profile of millionaire and humanist, Ted Turner.
Psalm 139:14 – Wonderfully Made
The language of this passage affirms that the human body is a work of intricate design and therefore could not have arisen by mere accident.
The Book of Psalms—A Study
Some background information regarding the Psalms will help the Bible student as he considers the grand truths of this Old Testament document.
What’s Wrong with the Promise Keepers Movement?
A group of men organized to form a plan to rejuvenate “Christian” men with a new spiritual emphasis. Everything came together eventually, and in 1993, Promise Keepers was born. But what’s wrong with the Promise Keepers movement?
The Establishment of the Church of Christ
Was the church of Christ established on the day of Pentecost? Or was it established at some earlier time in human history?
The Ostrich — Not as Dumb as Her Critics
Critics of the Bible often imagine they have found a flaw in the sacred text. Though they know it not, the flaw is with them. Such is the case in one criticism of comments made regarding the ostrich in the book of Job.
Walking Through the Book of Ephesians
It is vital that the servants of Christ pursue their daily walk with serious resolution.
Did Jesus Contradict Himself as He Approached Death?
Did Jesus contradict himself as he approached the ordeal of the crucifixion? Some critics so allege, but what are the facts?
Acts 4:32 – The Jerusalem Church of Christ
The Jerusalem church of Christ is a model that all churches should pattern themselves after. After all, they were operating under the direct instruction of the inspired apostles. The results are apparent in Acts 4:32.
Power of the Pen, The
Wayne Jackson reflects on his past and aspirations for the future, in this endeavor.