ACU: Stronghold of “Radical Criticism”
Abilene Christian University (Abilene, Texas) is rapidly departing from the strong base upon which it was founded. A reckless breed of mavericks flaunts the new course it has charted.
The ACU Commentary and the Unity of the Book of Isaiah
Clouds Without Water: A Review of the New ACU Commentary
The Tragedy of Racism
Many have been racist out of ignorance or weakness. Others, with a more ingrained disposition, have sought to defend it.
Lipscomb University and the Christian Scholars Conference
More Controversy at ACU
This article discusses the recent controversy at Abilene Christian University regarding the Boy Scouts and the homosexual movement.
Unity — Its Aesthetic and Practical Value
There is, perhaps, no greater exhortation to unity, anywhere in the Bible, that surpasses that of Psalm 133.
The Amazing Unity of Scripture
The literary unity of the Bible is evidence of Divine inspiration.
A Divine Platform for Christian Unity
In Paul’s letter to the saints in Ephesus, there is a marvelous platform for Christian unity. In this article, Wayne Jackson discusses the components of the plan for sacred unity.
Ephesians 4:13 – The Unity of the Faith
Does the New Testament indicate that a time will come when miraculous gifts will be replaced by something better? What could be “more complete” or “unified” than the many differing gifts of the Spirit received by the first Christians?
The Mandate for Christian Unity – A Study of Ephesians 4:1-6
Why is there so much religious diversity in the world—or even in the community of “Christendom”? Surely such is not the ideal will of God. Let us consider this theme most carefully.
An Instructive Episode in the Ministry of Paul
Why did Paul, who was an apostle, go to Jerusalem in Acts 15 to settle a dispute in the early church.
Simply Outrageous
Have you ever heard or read a statement that made you wonder how it ever could have been conceived? For example Bill O’Reilly, Fox News guru, said on national television that “the Catholic Church invented marriage” (WorldNetDaily, 2/10/2010). How does anyone that obtuse deserve a national audience? But he is not alone. Consider a few more quotes that are “simply outrageous.”
Does John 17:3 Negate the Deity of Christ?
A “Jehovah’s Witness” is upset at some of our articles that affirm the divine nature of Jesus Christ. He claims that John 17:3 negates the idea that Jesus is “God” in nature. This article responds to the gentleman’s charge.
Didn’t Paul Command, “Forbid not to speak in tongues”?
What is the meaning of Paul’s command, “Forbid not to Speak in tongues” (1 Cor. 14:39)? Does this imply that the gift of tongues was to continue to the end of time?
Should a Christian Join the Gideons?
Should a Christian join the denominational organization called the Gideons as a means of promoting the gospel?
Have You Not Read?
The Bible frequently speaks of the “reading” of the Scriptures, and even the reading of them aloud. Is this mere circumstance, or is there a deeper truth implied in these descriptives?
The Value of the Factious Spirit
If one believes in the ultimate conquest of good over evil, he can see, even in factiousness, something of the good, the positive, and the noble.
The Land Where God Is Not
The lessons learned from the Parable of the Prodigal Son – concerning the consequences of estrangement from God, and those qualities necessary for restoration, are treasures indeed.
Resolving Church Conflicts
The church is a collection of all sorts of people from varying backgrounds and with different personalities. It is inevitable that such an aggregate of folks will experience conflicts. But the Scriptures can help us deal with these difficult situations. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson discusses this theme.