Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14?
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” teach that only 144, 000 people will gain heaven. They base their doctrine upon passages that are found in the book of Revelation (chapters 7 & 14). Who are the 144, 000 mentioned in these texts? Is the number literal or figurative? Study this article.
The Rescue of Christ — So-Called
A recently-published book, Rescuing Jesus from the Christians, seeks to throw the spotlight on some of the alleged “errors” in the beliefs and teaching of Jesus Christ. The fact is, Clayton Sullivan, the author, has revealed how very little he knows about Gospel history. Wayne Jackson briefly reviews this new volume.
America—A Nation Out of Control
Is America out of control?
The Canon of Sacred Scripture
Who determined which books were to go into the Bible? Exactly when did that occur? What are the Apocryphal books? Wayne Jackson addresses these important questions.
A Study of Divine Providence
Does God work in our lives today?
The Ethics of Human Cloning
How does one evaluate the ethics of the practice of human cloning?
The Holy Bible, Inspired of God: A Look at the Evidence
The Bible claims to be the word of God. But is there any evidence that this claim is true? Here’s an article you will want to read and save.
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
Attacking God’s Plan of Salvation
Scholarly sources may be helpful, but good Bible students recognize any human source can be biased or flawed. God’s Word is the ultimate standard of faith and practice.
Disney: The Mouse Betrayed
Disney power-brokers deny “official dealings” with members of the “gay” community, but the evidence is overwhelming.
The Saga of Ancient Jericho
A study of Joshua’s great victory over the ancient city of Jericho
A Study of Messianic Psalms
The Psalms have much to say about Jesus the Messiah. Jason Jackson details the characteristics of these moving prophecies.
Obadiah 1 – The Doom of Edom
A knowledge of the history behind any passage of Scripture is helpful. It is especially true of the book of Obadiah.
History of Instrumental Music
Though the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship are common in both the Catholic and Protestant communities of "Christendom, " most people do not realize that this function was unknown to the churches of the apostolic age. Rather, the practice was an innovation that came centuries after the establishment of Christ’s church, and such was wholly without New Testament authority. Noted scholar William Woodson discusses this digression in this month’s Feature article.
The Ravaging of the Earth
There is great concern about the growing depletion of earth’s natural resources. Many, however, do not realize who has contributed significantly to this problem. Read this article and identify the culprits.
Prince of Egypt — The Movie
In mid-December the movie, Prince of Egypt, opened in theaters across the country. Because it differs so widely from the usual movie fare of sex and violence, this production is receiving high acclaim—even from religious figures like Billy Graham, James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and others.
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
Is the Language of Genesis 1 Merely Metaphorical?
In an attempt to harmonize the biblical record with evolutionary chronology, some allege that the creation description of Genesis 1 is merely metaphorical. Such a position thrusts aside responsible interpretative procedure.
Who Was John the Baptist?
Who was John the Baptist? What was his relationship to Jesus?
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection
Five important points to remember about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead