Ernest Renan’s Assessment of Jesus Christ
Liberalism’s Manipulation of Scripture
Theological “liberalism” has no regard for the plain testimony of Scripture. With the “liberal,” all biblical events must be measured in the light of “modern” knowledge. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a shocking example of this kind of perversion of Bible history.
The Value of Morning
At the dawning of the day, your body is as rested as it will be all day, your mind is the sharpest it will be all day—as yet uncluttered with numerous distractions. Why not take advantage of this quiet time?
Gog and Magog — What Is the Meaning of Revelation 20:8?
Who is this “Gog and Magog” that threatens God’s people in Revelation 20:8?
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
The Agony of Gethsemane
As Jesus prayed on the mount of Olives, “his sweat became as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground” (Lk. 22:44). Did blood actually come from the Lord’s skin, or is the language merely a figure of speech emphasizing the Savior’s agony?
The Value of Modesty
Is modesty a lost virtue? Can it be regained?
The Eye of the Evolutionary Storm
The inspired psalmist affirmed that it was God who “formed the eye” (Psa. 94:9). Any “tidy-minded” infidel who thinks he has found a flaw in the fundamental design of the Creator’s handiwork, had better use the eyes the Lord has given him, and “look again.”
The Devastating Effects of Divorce
The marriage principles found in the Bible have a purpose; they are designed for our benefit.
The Influence of Home Life
Does the home influence the religious development of children?
A Study of the King of Tyre Prophecy in Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28:1-19 is a fascinating study of the prophetic promise of the fall of ancient Tyre. Unfortunately, this segment of scripture has become the seed-bed of two ideas that have no merit in the sacred text, namely the “fall of Satan” in Eden, or else the “rise of the Anti-Christ” near the end of the current historical era. Study this context with us.
Are There “Signs” of the Second Coming of Christ?
Predicting the return of Jesus Christ is a full-time hobby for some. Does Matthew 24 contain the signs needed to predict Christ’s return?
The Power of Example
The Bible repeatedly appeals to the power of example. God himself is our example, as is Christ. Of course, Christians should demonstrate exemplary attributes as well in obedience and love.
The Case of Eutychus
The case of Eutychus in Acts chapter 20 is a testament to the authenticity of the Christian religion and an assurance that death is not the end of existence.
The Indestructible Church of Christ
Some allege that the church of Christ, as established on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), has not existed in an unbroken line since that time. The allegation is false if the testimony of Scripture is dependable.
The Folly of Atheism
Many atheists proclaim themselves to be intellectuals. In fact, they are fools.
The Value of Life
Every life is a sacred gift from heaven intended to honor the Creator and prepare us for eternity.
The Paradox of Anxiety
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
The Classification of Bible Commands
The commands found in the Bible may be classified in several ways to help our understanding.