The Pentateuch: The Cornerstone of Scripture
The first five books of the Old Testament are invaluable for the serious Bible student – in many different ways. Jason Jackson discusses these magnificent documents.
The Birthplace of Jesus: Bethlehem or Jerusalem?
Was Jesus born in Bethlem or Jerusalem? The Bible teaches it was Bethlehem. The Book of Mormon alleges it was in “the land of Jerusalem.” Examine the evidence for yourself.
The Curse of Covetousness
Wealth can be a great blessing if used in God’s service. But covetousness is a curse.
The Saga of Shebna
An interesting archaelogical find may provide incidental confirmation of an Old Testament narrative.
The Growing Defense of Sexual Child-Abuse
In recent years more-and-more “sex experts” are defending the vile practice of adult-child sexual relationships. This is but another symptom of the degenerating morality of American society.
The Language of God
Dr. Francis Collins, a notable scientist specializing in the mapping of genes, has produced a new book, The Language of God. The following is a brief review of this work.
What About the “Sword” of the “Prince of Peace”?
Does the Bible contradict itself when it calls Jesus the Prince of Peace, and then Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword”?
Three Views of Self
None of us lives an isolated existence. While we see ourselves in a certain light, others may view us quite differently. Our Creator looks at us with absolute accuracy!
The Bible: Word of God or Mere Words of Men?
Is the Bible a divine document inspired of God? If so, to what degree? Is it merely in sense or in sentence? Are the very words of the text inspired?
Jude 1 – The Possibility of Apostasy
The book of Jude argues forcefully against the misguided notion that no child of God can ever be lost.
May a Christian Address Christ in Praise or Prayer?
Some sincere Christians contend that the child of God may not address Christ, either in praise or through prayer. Will this case stand in the light of critical investigation? Carefully study this issue with us.
The Two “Beasts” of Revelation 13
In Revelation 13, John sees a vision of two beasts—one arising from the sea, another from the earth. What do these images represent?
Who Controls the Kingdoms of This World?
Is there a contradiction between Daniel and Luke as to who is in control of the kingdoms of men?
Enemies of Christ
There are two kinds of enemies of Jesus: those who campaign against him in public and those who are unwitting enemies of the cross.
The Tower of Babel: Legend or History?
The book of Genesis is a narrative dealing with “beginnings,” as the title of the document indicates. One of the beginnings in Genesis is the record of how human beings came to speak different languages.
Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?
Have you ever heard of a good person who has done a very bad thing? Why does this happen?
The Star of Bethlehem
Was the star of Bethlehem a natural event or a miraculous phenomenon?
Does Starlight Require Millions of Years to Reach the Earth?
Does starlight require millions of years to reach the earth?
Roman Catholic Professor Denies the Resurrection of Christ
A Roman Catholic scholar, Professor Thomas H. West, has renounced the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ in a newly published book. There is nothing fresh in his approach. It is the same old infidelity that has been around for centuries.
The Art of Writing
Bible critics do all within their power to discredit the validity of the sacred text. Years ago, the claim was made that the Scriptures are in error in their claims that “writing” was common in the days of Moses. Those charges have long since vanished. Consider this brief study with us.