The Mystery of God
In the Book of Colossians, Paul develops the theme of Jesus Christ’s role in the great “mystery” of God. In this article, Jason Jackson explores this exciting theme.
The Compassion of Christ
Jesus demonstrated compassion for hurting people in his life and in his teaching.
An Exchange with Professor Wallace of the Dallas Seminary
In a previous article, I inadvertently mischaracterized Professor Daniel Wallace’s religious affiliation. He kindly corrected the matter. Here is my response.
Skepticism Abandons Logic
Even atheists have recognized the principle that “where there is design, there must be a designer.” Now, however, with mounting evidence for design in the Universe, the skeptics are fleeing from this fundamental, logical proposition.
The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven
In two parables, Jesus emphasized the great value of his Kingdom.
You’ve Heard of the Patience of Job
Job serves world-over as an example of perseverance despite limited knowledge. But when that knowledge is “The Lord is compassionate and merciful,” it is enough.
A Prayer of the Afflicted: A Study of Psalm 102
A simple statement spoken in sincerity, “I know how you feel,” are words that are like apples of gold in settings of silver ... especially during times of great tragedy and distress.
The Value of Waiting on Jehovah
The Bible promises a wide array of blessings upon those who have the patience to “wait upon” the Lord. Consideration of this theme will pay rich dividends.
Revelation 1:1 – The Things to Come Shortly
It is a serious mistake to make the prophetic time frame of the book of Revelation hinge one solitary expression.
Crushing the Serpent’s Head: The Meaning of Genesis 3:15
In Genesis 3:15, God announces that the serpent’s head will be crushed by the seed of woman. What is the meaning of this intriguing prophecy in the book of Genesis?
Jonah: A “Fish Story” or History?
Is the Old Testament account of Jonah a myth or a credible recording of actual events? Some point to alleged inaccuracies to claim the account is a fable.
Exploring the Concept of Priesthood
The study of the concept of priesthood contains many valuable facets. It also is fraught with religious error. This article discusses both of these aspects.
The Perfecting of Jesus Christ
A discussion of Hebrews 5:8-9.
The Textual Basis of the Bible
It is a misguided endeavor to contend that the KJV is the only reliable translation available today, or even that it is the best one.
The Destiny of Our Children: Nature or Nurture?
Just how much influence do parents have over the future of their children? Some psychologists say, “Almost none.” But the Holy Scriptures say otherwise.
The Church Needs More Wise Guys
Many of life’s important lessons are found in the book of Proverbs. Although the basic truths contained therein are found elsewhere in the Bible, the Proverbs of Solomon are often vivid phrases that need to be memorized and recited when necessary. This study demonstrates the value of the book of Proverbs by looking at the opening statements of the book itself.
The Biblical View of Death
What does death involve? This terminal human experience can be a frightening prospect indeed if one is unprepared for it.
Where Did the Bible Come From?
Does the Bible have the fingerprints of God within its pages?
Lamentations 1:1 – Jerusalem’s Funeral
In order to appreciate the message of this book, one must understand something of the historical circumstances which it addresses.
An Analysis of the “Salvation Army”
The “Salvation Army” is an organization that is applauded by most in our society. Undeniably, this group does implement numerous acts of benevolence among the needy. But is this all there is to Christianity? Do good deeds substitute for doctrinal soundness? Read this article carefully and put this issue in balance.