Spiritualism — A Deadly Movement
Thousands of people labor under the illusion that some are able to contact the dead? What is to be said of such attempts? Is this merely a harmless superstition. Study this issue with us.
The Sexual Orientation Controversy
According to some “experts” sexual orientation is not something one can change. Some of the major studies reflecting these opinions have been done, of course, by the homosexuals themselves.
New Gambling Studies Highlight Age-old Problem
A recent study reveals the destruction caused by gambling.
Jeremiah 1:5 – Jeremiah’s Call
There are three features of God’s call of Jeremiah that are important to note.
Ishmael: His Hand Against Every Man
The remarkable biblical prophecies concerning Ishmael, are explored, especially the historical emergence of his descendants and their warlike characteristics.
Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002)
Harvard’s noted anti-creationist, Stephen J. Gould, recently died after a lengthy battle with cancer. In this article, Wayne Jackson comments regarding the professor’s controversial legacy.
The Second Death — Separation or Annihilation?
There is a growing movement in “Christendom” to repudiate the biblical doctrine of a “hell” that is characterized by everlasting torment, as a result of being separated from God. This is a deadly position that must be opposed vigorously.
If We Never Meet Again
In a farewell to the Ephesian elders, Paul reminded the brethren of his life and ministry among them (Acts 20:18-21). In what Paul believed to be his last opportunity to see them, he recollected former days to encourage their fidelity in the future.
Does Divine Justification Exclude Human Obedience?
It is frequently alleged that “justification” is a process accomplished wholly by God, and any “obedience” on the part of man is excluded. But this theory, sincere as it may be, is seriously erroneous. Study this issue with us.
How Should Church Business Be Conducted without Elders?
May women participate in decision-making roles if there are no qualified men to serve as elders?
The Blind Bookwriter
There are none so blind as who will not see.
What Was that “Light” before the Sun (Genesis 1:3)?
Is the Bible incorrect in referring to the existence of “light” before the creation of the sun? What was that mysterious “light” on the first day of Earth’s history?
A Note from Richard Dawkins
More Skull-Duggery
In July, 2002, another “sensational” fossil discovery was announced. A skull had been found that supposedly thrust humans back some six million years. What are the actual facts regarding this matter?
Is Church Attendance Required?
Are Christians required to attend the formal worship meetings of their local congregation? There are varying views on this theme that are reflected in fluctuating patterns of church attendance. Let’s take a look at this issue.
Nine Scientists Look at Religion
Richard Dawkins, prominent atheist, classifies religious faith as a “virus of the mind.” He and others of his kind desperately need to contract this virus!
An Atheistic Assault upon the “Design” Argument
An atheist thinks he has crafted an ingenious argument against the time-tested concept of “design demands an intelligent designer.” But his reasoning is logically flawed and internally inconsistent.
What About Those After Death Visits to the Other Side?
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ventured far afield from her area of expertise in speculating about human immortality.
Was Paul Uncertain About His “Inspiration”?
In a letter to the church in Corinth, Paul said: “I think I have the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 7:40). Was the apostle uncertain of his possession of the Holy Spirit? Read this discussion of this puzzling passage.
Separated from My Mother’s Womb
Many fail to appreciate the mysterious operation of divine providence. Paul was quite aware of it.