Ellen Goodman and Those Creationists
Ellen Goodman recently wrote a meandering column venting her rage against certain “creationists,” who, occasionally, have altered their modus operandi in attempting to get a “toe in the schoolroom door.”
Some Wise Words from Zophar
Zophar, one of Job’s friends, was a fierce critic of the patriarch of Uz. Many of his charges were unjust. Occasionally, however, he uttered meaningful truth. This brief article discusses one such episode.
Do Not Sin Against the Children
It is time that we recognize the value of our children. They are the future of this world. We must care for them, teach them, and fortify their precious souls against the evils that would assault them.
Scientists “Xerox” First Human
A week ago, scientists in Massachusetts announced that they have cloned the first human being. Many are protesting this attempt to “play God.” But how are they arguing their case?
The Starbucks Agenda: Want some “theology” with your latte?
Want some twisted “theology” with that early morning steaming latté? You can obtain it at Starbucks.
How to Identify a Cult
Is someone you love trapped in a cult? This article helps to identify the traits of a cult.
Exodus 3:22 – The Israelites Leave Egypt
In this article of Notes from the Margin of My Bible, we find a prophecy fullfillment, an answer to a moral dilemma, and an example of God’s wonderful providence.
Did God Ask Moses To Be Deceitful?
Critics of the Bible sometimes claim that God once asked Moses to act in a deceitful way when dealing with Pharaoh. Is this accusation fair?
An Atheist’s Daughter
Would you like to have an insight into the thinking of the daughter of one of the world’s most prominent atheists? Then read this article. It pertains to the daughter of Bertrand Russell, the famed British philosopher.
The President, Adultery, and “Baptist Rules”
The dangerous and harmful effects of the false doctrine that a child of God cannot fall from grace
Psalm 3: A Morning Song
Psalm 3 is a morning song of David during a difficult time in the king’s life. It is brief, but brimming with instruction and comfort.
Dr. Watson Bombs at Berkeley
This article discusses a recent speech by Dr. James Watson, co-discoverer of DNA, at the University of California at Berkeley.
Does Mark 16:16 Involve “Water” Baptism?
Is the baptism in Mark 16:16 a baptism in water or is it of some other sort?
What About Your Funeral?
If you could plan a message to be delivered at your own funeral, of what would it consist? You might want to give some thought to this question.
What Is a Missionary Society?
What is a missionary society? Some Christians carelessly throw that designation around, labeling perfectly legitimate works with this pejorative expression.
Why Was Cain’s Sacrifice Rejected?
“Did God reject Cain’s sacrifice simply because he did not ‘give his best’ or was it because it was not a blood sacrifice like Abel’s? Did God require an animal sacrifice (blood sacrifice) on this occasion?”
False Charges Against Creationism
Does God Exist?
Are there good, logical reasons to believe that there is a God?
King Saul — A Case Study in Apostasy
Saul, Israel’s first king, stands as a solemn warning to all who followed thereafter.
The Rationale for Evaluating Political Leaders
By what standard should one evaluate a political leader? Does the Bible shed any light on this question?