Is the Gospel of Judas True?
The National Geographic Society has once more attempted to capitalize upon the name of Jesus Christ by a promotion of the so-called “Gospel of Judas” in recent interviews, publications, etc. This controversy is much ado over nothing. In this article, Australian Christian scholar, Gary Young (Ph.D. in Roman history), puts this issue into its proper historical framework.
Behold, Behemoth!
In the concluding portion of the book of Job, God introduces, as an example of his power, the great creature, Behemoth. What was this great creature? Wayne Jackson discusses the various theories offered by way of identification.
The Unique Case of Cornelius
The conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 contains valuable lessons for today.
What Is the Church of Christ?
The New Testament gives a clear picture of what the church was under the leadership of the Lord’s apostles. The church’s origin was divine; it continues to be subject to the authority of Christ. Should it not be the same today — simply, the church of Christ?
Robert G. Ingersoll: Apostle of Infidelity, Robber of Hope
A profile of Robert G. Ingersoll — a rabid enemy of the Bible, who at times had difficulty suppressing a longing for an eternal hope.
Science and the Power of Prayer
This article examines the claim that “scientific studies” document the power of intecessory prayer.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
Starr’s Church of Christ — A Review
Because Kenneth Starr grew up associated with the church of Christ (we understand he currently worships with an Evangelical Bible Church), some have used the connection to vent personal, long-smoldering frustrations, firing both verbal and literary missiles at the Lord’s family.
New Hermeneutic: An Abandonment of Reason
All new things are not always better. Many of the “new” ways of interpreting the Bible are merely designed to keep you from truly understanding the Scriptures.
One of Paul’s Final Prayers
In one of his final prayers, Paul prayed for those who had neglected him. What can we learn from this selfless act?
Making Merchandise of the Gospel
The world is constantly looking for flaws in those who set themselves forth as teachers of the Christian cause. It is not uncommon to observe that some religious leaders have exploited the “gospel” for their own financial interests.
This brief article addresses this issue.
Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Church
Carefully study Isaiah 2:2-4 and absorb the rich truths of this prophecy.
God and the Nation of Israel
What role does the nation of Israel play — past and present — in the plan of God? Does their illustrious past have any relevance today or in the future?
Paul’s Condemnation of Will-Worship
What is “will-worship”? Why did Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, condemn it? Study carefully this article.
The City of Ten Thousand Memories
Jerusalem has been called the city of ten thousand memories. This article reflects upon J.W. McGarvey’s visit to that city more than a century ago.
Miracles in the Book of Acts
When we think about miracles in the New Testament, we often consider the miracles of Christ in the Gospel accounts. There are, however, many miracles recorded in the book of Acts. A survey of these miraculous works is worthy of our reflection.
Of Fathers and Their Sons
What can a father do to protect his children from Satan’s grasp? A wise dad will have a plan in place, well before the challenging teen years.
Who Is in Control of Death?
When a Christian loved one dies, folks often say, “God called him home.” Yet scripture seems to say that the devil has the “power of death” (Hebrews 2:14). Who does cause death?
Modernism and the Virgin Birth of Christ
Does the biblical evidence support John D. Crossan’s claims that Jesus was not virginally conceived?
What Is the Meaning of Ekklesia?
A new controversy: In recent years, it has become somewhat popular with some to dispute the meaning of the term ekklesia. Does the etymology of this Greek word in the New Testament have any relevance today? What does the word ekklesia mean?