What Is the Baptism of Fire?
What is the “baptism of fire” mentioned in Matthew 3:11?
What Was the Nature of Cain’s Sin?
What was Cain’s sin? Weakness, lack of faith or downright rebellion?
The Demon Frenzy
This article discusses the recent claim by the journal Christianity that demon possession is a present-day reality.
Are Some Sins Excused?
In his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul describes a certain level of human activity as “inexcusable” (Rom. 1:20). Does this imply that some conduct, even that which is bad, is “excusable”?
Clergyman Attacks Bible — Is Ousted
Derek Stanesby was expelled from the pulpit where he often was invited to speak, because he attacked the Bible, denying that it is the “word of God.”
Internet Etiquette
In the internet age, the ease of communication without thought has caused many problems.
Is There a Bible Contradiction Regarding Ahaziah’s Age?
It appears that 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 conflict with reference to the age of Ahaziah. Is there a reasonable explanation for this discrepancy?
Exodus 3:22 – The Israelites Leave Egypt
In this article of Notes from the Margin of My Bible, we find a prophecy fullfillment, an answer to a moral dilemma, and an example of God’s wonderful providence.
Paul’s Passion for Needy Brethren
Paul’s passion for the needy saints of Jerusalem is a concern reflected several times in the New Testament documents. These texts contain interesting facts/lessons worthy of study and application.
The Preposition “Eis” in Acts 2:38
It has long been known that denominationalists, welded to the theory of salvation by “faith alone,” repudiate the connection between baptism and the forgiveness of sins. Some, formally sound on this issue, now are capitulating to sectarian error. Take a brief look at this issue with us.
Dealing with Mail
E-mail, regular mail — what will it be today? Let me give you a small sample of the frustrations associated with writing. It’s not a problem of enormous magnitude — we deal with it. Occasionally, however, it’s good to “vent.”
The Things God Has Prepared
In 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul speaks of those “things” which God has prepared for them who love him. Let us contemplate this thrilling context and some of the truths it teaches.
God’s Tear Bottle
David’s emotional appeal for God to treasure up his tears is a reminder to all God’s children of how much he cares when we are hurting.
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship — Part 1
What is acceptable worship? This article is the first in a two-part series.
Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
One of the first recorded activities of man in the book of Genesis was “sleep.” Exactly what is this strange experience? Did God design it?
The Google “Gag” Order
Google.com retaliates against the Christian Courier’s “The Progressively Aggressive ’Gay’Movement” article. No better example of aggressive behavior could be cited.
Advice to Aspiring Writers
Some friendly advice to aspiring Christian writers from a man of experience.
Luke, the Beloved Historian
The preface to Luke’s Gospel account is packed with exciting information that lays the foundation for the credibility of his specifically designed narrative relating to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson directs our attention to some of these matters.
Three Prayers of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving in prayer is a common theme in the Bible. This article focuses upon three “tenses” of prayers of thanksgiving.
Pascal and Paul
Blaise Pascal (1623-62) had a brilliant mind. He became convinced of the genuineness of the Christian religion. At times, however, his argumentation left something to be desired.