The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
Who Is Paul’s “Man of Sin”?
Who is the sinister “man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2?
When Will Oprah Free Her Slaves?
It is a grievous tragedy that many, like Oprah Winfrey, and those mesmerized by her, are enmeshed in antiquated superstition.
Is It Appropriate to Worship Jesus?
Is it appropriate to worship Jesus?
The Value of Persecution
Have you ever been persecuted for your faith? Have you suffered the abuse of others for Christ?
Solomon’s Basin and “Pi” — A Bible Error?
Does the Bible contain a mathematical error relative to the dimensions of Solomon’s temple basin? Critics so claim, but what are the actual facts?
Charles Darwin’s Eroding Credibility
The average “layman” who subscribes to the theory of evolution champions Charles Darwin as the great luminary of this materialistic philosophical system. What many do not realize, however, is that not all scientists, even in the evolutionary community, bow before the British naturalist.
Bertrand Russell’s “Teapot” Argument
Atheists frequently make bogus arguments in defense of their position; sometimes, theists do too. One needs to learn the difference between a good argument and one that is flawed.
Does the Case of Cornelius Prove the “Sinner’s Prayer” Doctrine?
Does God grant pardon to the “alien sinner” by means of prayer? Some suggest that the case of Cornelius (Acts 10) supplies an affirmative answer. This week’s question explores this issue.
What About the Bible and Slavery?
Does the Bible condone slavery? If so, how does the Christian reconcile this with the biblical concept of the intrinsic worth of every human being as a creature made in the image of God?
Psalm 139 — A Magnificent Portrait of God
What Do You Really Know about Evolution?
Some years ago a few scientists declared that the theory of evolution was as well established as the rotundity of the earth. But evolution is still a theory, not a law. All of the basics of this theory stand in opposition to known science.
Matthew’s Use of the Term “Fulfilled”
When the apostle Matthew wrote that an Old Testament prophecy had been “fulfilled” by Christ, just what did he mean? Engage in this study with us.
Steve Allen’s Attack upon the Bible
This article, originally published in 1993, addresses the book written by popular songwriter-comedian, Steve Allen (1921-2000), Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality.
The Assault upon Mark 16:16
The denominational community has long assaulted Mark 16:16 due to the simplicity of the passage in including baptism as a preliminary condition of salvation. Now, such attacks are coming even from certain “change agents” within the body of Christ. This article highlights one such recent effort.
Did Matthew Blunder?
Matthew, in appealing to a prophecy, seems to attribute it to Jeremiah, whereas the Old Testament has it in the book of Zechariah. Critics, in characteristic fashion, have charged Matthew with an error.
When Infidelity Fashions Faith
A person’s faith should be fashioned by the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, many have allowed their beliefs to be forged in the furnace of unbelief. Many do not realize how much liberalism has shaped their approach to the Bible.
Teaching Youth the Work Ethic
In a time when economic conditions are easier than when our parents lived, youngsters still need to be taught a solid work ethic. Reflect upon this issue with us.
Does 1 Cor. 3:15 Support the Doctrine of “Eternal Security”?
First Corinthians 3:10-15 is a difficult portion of scripture. Calvinists contend that the passage teaches that though a child of God may suffer temporally for sins, he can never so sin as to be lost eternally. But what does this context really teach? Study this matter with us.
What Must Be Done?
Jesus had to face rejection, suffer, and die, and then rise from the dead. It was necessary because this was the plan of God. It was necessary that he die for our sins, that God might be just and the justifier of those who have faith in Jesus.