Can Job Be a True Story?
Is the book of Job an historical account? Or is it a fiction invented to teach a valuable lesson?
Did Jesus Endorse Situation Ethics?
Some claim that Matthew’s Gospel record (12:1-4) provides biblical precedent for the philosophy of situation ethics. They are wrong.
The Growing Anti-Christian Sentiment
Legal authorities in New York City have fought against “Christian” symbolism in the city’s public schools, while defending the presence of both Jewish and Islamic symbolism. Some see this as an accelerating wave of antagonism against the Christian faith?
Corinth – A Troubled Church
The church in Corinth had numerous spiritual problems, one of which was its tolerance of flagrant immorality. In his letter to this church, the apostle delivers a sharp rebuke. Happily, it produce a healthy result.
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
Faith-Based Bathing — A Friendly Review
In the July issue of the well-known protestant journal, Christianity Today, Dr. Timothy George responds to a question regarding the relationship of baptism to salvation. Wayne Jackson comments on this intriguing essay.
False Ideas about God
While most people (according to polls) believe in “God,” many entertain a variety of false ideas relative to the Supreme Being. This article discusses some of these views.
Be Still and Know That I Am God — Revisited
What Happens to a Person at Death?
What happens when you die and your soul is separated from your body? There are diverse views about this matter. Here is one for your study and reflection.
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
False Ideas About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the most renowned person of human history? That being true, why are there so many false ideas circulating about him? Because people have biases and they “reinvent” a “Jesus” after their own presuppositions. In this article we review some of the bizarre theories.
Divorce and Civil Law
Divorce and remarriage are serious moral issues. The law of God, as made known in the New Testament, is the standard of truth that regulates the institution of marriage. The Christian must seek to determine the will of God in times of marital difficulty, neither binding nor loosing where the Lord has not. This article discusses the relationship of divine and civil law to the institution of marriage.
Divorce and Remarriage: White, Black, or Gray?
Every sincere child of God takes the teaching of Christ on divorce and remarriage very seriously. But it isn’t always easy to know the clear cut answer to some marriage and divorce scenarios.
The Song Police
Some songs certainly are unscriptural. But we should be sure that we do not irrationally object to songs based on our own misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
What About Alcoholics Anonymous?
What is your opinion of Christians who attend AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] meetings or treatment centers to stop drinking?
The Fragrance of Christian Influence
Influence is powerful for good or evil. Are you striving to enhance your influence for the honor of Christ?
The Spiritual Person
All of us who profess to following Jesus Christ would like to think we are “spiritual” people. But are we? There can be a vast chasm between merely being a member of the church, and being genuinely spiritual.
Contend Earnestly for the Faith
What does “contending for the faith” mean?
Does God Send Delusions? Can a Person Harden Himself Beyond Hope?
What does the Bible mean when it suggests that God may “send a strong delusion” to some people (2 Thes. 2:11)? Would the “God of truth” actually “send” a lie? Too, is it possible for a person to harden his heart to the extent that he is beyond the hope of salvation?