A Prayer of the Afflicted: A Study of Psalm 102
A simple statement spoken in sincerity, “I know how you feel,” are words that are like apples of gold in settings of silver ... especially during times of great tragedy and distress.
The Influence of Modern Trends on the Church
Is new always better than old? Not always. Some modern trends have had a negative impact on the church.
The Value of Youth to the Cause of God
Youth can accomplish magnificent things for the Master’s cause. But do we always recognize this? Here are some striking examples that demonstrate God’s confidence in youth.
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
Is the Church a Reed or a Pillar?
A reed is a symbol of instability; a pillar signifies a solid, immovable foundation. The church of today must ask: “Are we a ‘reed shaken in the wind’ or are we the ‘pillar and ground of the truth’”?
Daniel’s Prophecy of Antiochus Epiphanes
Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek tryant of the 2nd century B.C. He was a vicious enemy of the Jewish people, outlawing Judaism and descrating the sacred Hebrew temple. In an amazing display of prophetic revelation, Daniel the prophet, several centuries earlier, had detailed some of the exploits of this political monster. Jason Jackson discusses some of Daniel’s stunning predictions in this month’s Feature article.
Exploring the Concept of Priesthood
The study of the concept of priesthood contains many valuable facets. It also is fraught with religious error. This article discusses both of these aspects.
Why Do Natural Disasters Happen?
The recent earthquake and subsequent tidal waves in the Indian Ocean have caused many to wonder why God allows such disasters to burden the earth. Is there any reasonable explanation for these events that respects the concept of the benevolence of our Creator?
A Dispute About the Purpose of Baptism
Several questions and comments have been recently received relative to some of our material dealing with the purpose of “water baptism,” as that theme is set forth in the New Testament. Accordingly, in this Feature article, we wish to address a reader’s obviously sincere concerns.
Does 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Constitute a Binding Pattern?
Some attempt to argue that Christians are not commanded to give a weekly contribution based on 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.
A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers
Influenced by society, many are looking for New Testament authority for expanding the role of women in the body of Christ.
How Old Is the Earth?
How old is the earth? What does the Bible say? What about science? Does it really matter?
A History of the Baptism Apostasy
The doctrine of baptism, as set forth in the New Testament, is scarcely recognizable in the modern world of “Christendom.” How did this strange and unwarranted change come about? Study this issue with us.
God and the Nation of Israel
What role does the nation of Israel play — past and present — in the plan of God? Does their illustrious past have any relevance today or in the future?
Sexual Promiscuity — A National Plague
The level of sexual sin in American culture today has reached alarming levels. Such debauchery cannot abide without widespread and long-lasting detriments. What can the Christian do?
Who Was the Good Samaritan?
The parable of the “good Samaritan” has echoed down the corridors of time for the past 2,000 years. What makes it so memorable?
What Is Truth? — A Question for the Ages
A careful investigation of the biblical text provides a powerful antidote to the postmodern confusion which alleges that truth is subjective, elusive, and ephemeral.
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
What Do You Know About the Holy Spirit?
A golden lamp stand with seven lights was placed in the ancient tabernacle of Jehovah. In the book of Revelation, we find the “seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God” (Rev. 4:5)—the number seven symbolizing the perfect Spirit of God. What do you know about the Holy Spirit?
Some Character Traits of Paul, the Apostle
Paul, the apostle of Christ, was one of the most influential men of earth’s history. Reflect upon this remarkable man with us in this brief study.