The Restoration of First-Century Christianity
Should we be trying to restore the New Testament pattern of Christianity? Or should we abandon the original ideal and modernize the church to keep up with the times?
Denominationalism: Permissible or Reprehensible?
Many folks within the domain of “Christendom” applaud the system of “denominationalism.” But does the “denominational” principle have the approval of Scripture?
Examining Premillennialism
Premillennialism, the doctrine that Christ will soon return to set up an earthly kingdom for a thousand years, is a popular idea these days. In this this article, Wayne Jackson examines this theory.
The Holy Scriptures—Indestructible
The Bible has survived the vicious attacks throughout its existence and continues to be the best-selling publication in the world.
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
The English Standard Version Study Bible – A Review
Since its release in 2001, the English Standard Version of the Bible has gained popularity. We reviewed the ESV several years back and gave it commendation. Last year the ESV Study Bible appeared. While the study tools frequently are helpful, there are numerous danger spots characterized by doctrinal error. Those using this edition should be informed.
Will There Be Personal Recognition in Heaven?
Will we recognize friends and loved ones in Heaven?
MASADA: The Final and Futile Stand
On a high mountain plateau just west of the Dead Sea in A.D. 73, the final battle between the Romans and the Jews took place. It was the concluding destruction and dispersal of the Hebrew nation, as such previously was known for the preceding fifteen centuries.
America—A Nation Out of Control
Is America out of control?
Modern Psychology and the Bible
Exactly what is “psychology” and how does this area of interest relate to the Bible?
Foundational Truths Regarding Marriage
Is “marriage” a divinely designed institution, or is it a human invention? Let us see where the evidence lies.
Three Great Facts about God
There are many wonderful truths regarding God upon which the sincere soul should meditate. In this article we consider but three. Reflect upon these with us.
Principles of Bible Prophecy
The study of prophecy is one of the truly challenging, yet rewarding, areas of biblical investigation. It is also a theme that is grossly abused. In this article, we propose to examine some of the principles governing Bible prophecy.
Making Sense of the Bible
The Bible is the most important book one could ever read. And it is possible to understand it, when the great plan of the Bible is taken into consideration. Wayne Jackson walks through the 66 books of the Bible and highlights the message and purpose of each inspired text.
Back to Biblical Kindergarten
Some Christians have never graduated out of biblical kindergarten.
The Terror of Death: Causes and Cures
There are numerous examples from history of valiant Christians who went to their deaths as martyrs, singing hymns and happily praising God. How were they able to exude such a joyful demeanor? Whence their sense of fearlessness that seems to elude so many today?
Matthew’s Use of the Term “Fulfilled”
When the apostle Matthew wrote that an Old Testament prophecy had been “fulfilled” by Christ, just what did he mean? Engage in this study with us.
The Intercession of the Spirit
In a marvelous passage designed to inspire confidence in God’s oversight of our lives, Paul affirms that the Holy Spirit assists the Christian in his prayer life.
A Divine Platform for Christian Unity
In Paul’s letter to the saints in Ephesus, there is a marvelous platform for Christian unity. In this article, Wayne Jackson discusses the components of the plan for sacred unity.
Who Is Paul’s “Man of Sin”?
Who is the sinister “man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2?