Was Paul Uncertain About His “Inspiration”?
In a letter to the church in Corinth, Paul said: “I think I have the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 7:40). Was the apostle uncertain of his possession of the Holy Spirit? Read this discussion of this puzzling passage.
The Regeneration – A Study of Matthew 19:28
What is the meaning of that ambiguous expression “the regeneration” that Christ mentioned in Matthew 19:28? Is it a reference to a thousand-year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth? Or does it describe the present Christian regime? Study this passage with us.
Was Melchizedek the Preincarnate Christ?
Was Melchizedek the preincarnate Christ?
Can Job Be a True Story?
Is the book of Job an historical account? Or is it a fiction invented to teach a valuable lesson?
Why Would a Loving God Send Us to Hell?
Is the doctrine of eternal punishment in hell consistent with the idea of a good and loving God?
Are We Resurrected from the Dead When We Obey the Gospel?
A question was submitted about the resurrection. The inquirer concluded that “made alive” (in passages like Romans 6:3-8 and Colossians 2:11-12) is parallel in thought to Paul’s discussion of the resurrection of the body in 1 Corinthians 15. In response, we consider a number of points concerning the New Testament doctrine on the resurrection.
Some Facts About Death
Death is a mysterious subject—one that many are ill at ease in discussing. But the Bible can provide one with an altogether different perspective.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
A Study of the King of Tyre Prophecy in Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28:1-19 is a fascinating study of the prophetic promise of the fall of ancient Tyre. Unfortunately, this segment of scripture has become the seed-bed of two ideas that have no merit in the sacred text, namely the “fall of Satan” in Eden, or else the “rise of the Anti-Christ” near the end of the current historical era. Study this context with us.
Growing Doubts about the Resurrection of the Dead
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible, i.e., unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are appearing increasingly—even in today’s church.
Does John 17:3 Negate the Deity of Christ?
A “Jehovah’s Witness” is upset at some of our articles that affirm the divine nature of Jesus Christ. He claims that John 17:3 negates the idea that Jesus is “God” in nature. This article responds to the gentleman’s charge.
Atheism: The “Church” of Amorality
How do atheists determine what is moral or immoral? While they frequently claim there is a “standard,” closer examination reveals that the name of the game is “make up your own rules.”
Voting: Option or Obligation?
Some allege that voting in elections is a Christian obligation. Others contend that it is an option, but not an obligation? Where does the truth lie? May Christians disagree on this issue without dissension?
Soul and Spirit: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between a soul and a spirit in the Bible?
Lessons from the Catacombs of Rome
The catacombs located beneath the city of Rome are a wonder of antiquity which reveal much about the early adherents to the Christian faith.
Why Did Paul Say, “Let God Be True...”?
In what seems to be a rather blunt statement, Paul wrote to the Roman Christians, “Let God be found true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4). What is the meaning of this challenge?
Babylon: A Test Case in Prophecy—Part 1
Part one of a two-part series examining the ancient city of Babylon and its role in Bible prophecy
Have You Considered The Consequences Of Sin?
The phenomenon of “sin” has wrought a terrible harvest upon this earth. Consider this matter with us.
Logic and Stem Cell Research
Human embryos should not be created whimsically, nor should they be destroyed.
The Roman Catholic – Jewish Compromise
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?