The Law of Moses: Some Metaphors Considered
A consideration of several biblical metaphors used of the law of Moses.
The Challenge of “Agape” Love
It is a noble and worthy challenge to love with the love that Jesus has for all mankind.
The Study of Biblical Words
The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, and by its words spiritual life is obtained. No person who is really interested in the eternal welfare of his soul can afford to neglect a careful study of the words of sacred Scripture.
The Power of Example
The Bible repeatedly appeals to the power of example. God himself is our example, as is Christ. Of course, Christians should demonstrate exemplary attributes as well in obedience and love.
The Music-Authority Issue—Again
In response to a recent article in which we argued that instrumental music in Christian worship is without divine authority, a critic replied by suggesting that we practice many things in Christianity that are bereft of authority. One example he cited was the use of Bible translations. In this week’s Penpoints, we refute this baseless quibble.
What Are the “Tongues of Angels” in 1 Corinthians 13:1?
Does the Bible sanction a speaking in “tongues” that involves the utterance of “ecstatic” sounds that are understood only by the speaker and God? Sincere Pentecostal folks answer in the affirmative. They contend that these indiscernible sounds are the “tongues of angels” (1 Cor. 13:1). This article demonstrates that there is no support for such a view in the Corinthian text.
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
2 Corinthians 4:16 — The Inward Man
Paul’s discussion of the “inner man” implies a facet of human existence that transcends the material.
What Does the Bible Say About Miracles?
What is a miracle? What is the purpose of miraculous signs? Are genuine miracles happening today? What about the “miracles” of the so-called modern “faith-healers”? Do these indicate a miraculous presence of the Spirit in modern times? Study this important topic.
Philippians 3:1ff – Regulated Worship
Is worship “regulated” by God? Or is man left to his own inclination in this matter?
May a Christian Address Christ in Praise or Prayer?
Some sincere Christians contend that the child of God may not address Christ, either in praise or through prayer. Will this case stand in the light of critical investigation? Carefully study this issue with us.
God’s Great Plan Consummated
Can man know that God exists? Is humanity the result of divine creation, or merely the consequence of impersonal evolutionary forces?
O Absalom — My Son, My Son!
The tragic story of King David’s infamous son, Absalom, conveys many valuable lessons.
What Is Meant by “the Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect”?
What is the meaning of that phrase in the book of Hebrews, “the spirits of just men made perfect”? In order to understand the expression, the surrounding context must be examined. This study does that.
Who Is the Mysterious Shiloh?
This article is a discussion of the mysterious passage in Genesis 49:10-12. Especially, who was Judah’s “Shiloh”?
Brevity – A Confirming Evidence of Bible Inspiration
One of the astounding evidences which points to the divine origin of the Scriptures is the “brevity” of the records. In this article we study a case of this nature.
Who Was Caiaphas, the Official at the Trial of Jesus?
Who was Caiaphas, the official so instrumental in the death of Jesus?
The Pain of Lingering Regrets
Every sensitive soul is troubled from time to time by regrets that linger regarding past deeds in his life. There is a wrong way and a right way to deal with regret. Think about this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
When the Son of Man Comes
Are you ready? Are you a sheep or a goat? The Judgment Day is certain, and only through the teaching of Scripture can we prepare for it. The Lord’s teaching of Matthew 25:31-46 must be considered in view of the inevitable Day of the Lord.
In Christ – Neither Male nor Female
In his letter to the Galatians Paul wrote that “in Christ” there is neither “male nor female.” Does this mean that for Christians all gender distinctions have been abolished?