The Magic of Kindness
If we would emulate our God, we will cultivate kindness. This one moral attribute can work wonders on both friends and enemies.
The Regeneration – A Study of Matthew 19:28
What is the meaning of that ambiguous expression “the regeneration” that Christ mentioned in Matthew 19:28? Is it a reference to a thousand-year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth? Or does it describe the present Christian regime? Study this passage with us.
Are You an Evangelist?
You may not be able to fulfill the role of a preacher, or teacher, or elder, or deacon. But in the general sense, you can be an evangelist. Here’s how.
Does Ezekiel 36:25 Prophesy Sprinkling?
A Roman Catholic gentleman suggests that Ezekiel 36:25 contains a prophecy of sprinkling as an acceptable mode of baptism. What is the biblical response to this assertion?
Acts 13:2 – The Holy Spirit, A Person
This and numerous other New Testament verses establish the fact that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person.
Do I Need to Be Re-baptized?
Should anyone ever be re-baptized? Some say no. But what do the scriptures say?
Were John’s Disciples Required To Be Reimmersed?
Were those disciples who were immersed by John the Baptizer required to be re-immersed on the day of Pentecost or thereafter? Some sincere Bible students maintain they were, but will the evidence really support that view?
False Teachers; Destructive Heresies – 2 Peter 2:1
Colossians 1:13 – The Present Kingdom
Is the kingdom of Christ now in existence? Or is the promise of such awaiting the future? The apostle Paul clearly affirms that the kingdom exists now.
A Common Faith and Common Salvation
The Scriptures speak of the “common” faith and the “common” salvation. Does this term allow for the divergent views and practices in today’s world of “Christendom”? Does it permit various modes of “salvation”?
Sincere but Wrong—Dead Wrong
John Wayne “Punkin” Brown Jr. was a preacher for a Pentecostal-type church. He’s now dead. He still would be alive but for the fact that he believed false doctrine.
The Resurrection of the Human Body
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible.
Teresa’s “Miracle” En Route to “Sainthood”
According to recent news reports, “Mother” Teresa, the deceased Catholic nun, is on the fast-track toward “sainthood” — a process that usually takes many years. A claim is now being made that the departed “sister” has performed a miracle from the grave.
How to Go to Heaven — Sincere, but Wrong
A kindly friend comes calling with a tract on “How To Have a Home In Heaven.” Unquestionably they are sincere. But is sincerity a valid substitute for truth? Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
When Goodness Is as the Morning Dew
The prophet Hosea described ancient Israel’s goodness as like the morning dew. What did he mean by this strange analogy?
The Christian Courier
For more than forty years Wayne Jackson served as editor of the Christian Courier. In this brief article, he provides a brief history of how this effort was born.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Judges 4 – Deborah, the Woman Judge
Does Deborah’s service as a judge of Israel authorize leadership roles for women in the Lord’s church?
Jesus Christ: Pioneer in Human Development
Parents need to reflect upon the example left by young Jesus, and direct their own offspring in a similar course of living.
Five Things that Will End When Christ Returns
The apostle Paul’s reference to “the end” in 1 Corinthians 15 examined.