1 Chronicles 15:2 – The Law of Silence
Many today strongly contend that the silence of the Bible is not prohibitive. However, a comparison of some Old Testament passages indicates otherwise.
But Be of Good Cheer, I Have Overcome the World
When adversity strikes, how does one cope? People respond differently; some valiantly — others not so. For those who have confidence in the Scriptures, Christ provides the answer. Jason Jackson comments on this in this week’s Penpoints.
The Growing Interest in Angels
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the subject of angels. Do these creatures actually exist? Do they operate now, as they did in Bible times? This brief essay addresses these intriguing questions.
What Is a Publican in the New Testament?
Jewish tax collectors were hated in the first century. But Jesus loved them anyway, and they form the basis of an interesting profile study on Christ’s ministry.
Do the Psalms Authorize Instrumental Music in Worship?
May one contend that while the “law” was abolished by the death of Christ, nonetheless, the Psalms remain; and the Psalms provide authority for worshipping God with instruments of music?
God’s Care For His People
Some interesting facts that illustrate God’s special care and concern for his people.
The Current Fad of Male Bashing
We will not have happy work places, contented homes, and fruitful congregations until men and women learn to respect one another.
Walking Through the Book of Ephesians
It is vital that the servants of Christ pursue their daily walk with serious resolution.
Who’s the Boss?
What values are our children really learning from our parenting? Are we really concerned with instilling respect for God and his will in our children’s hearts, or are we more concerned with making sure they have the appearance of a successfull family environment?
Bible Origin—When Silence Speaks Out Loud
The inspiration of the Bible can be proven by several lines of argumentation. One of these is what the Bible does not say..
The Rationale for Evaluating Political Leaders
By what standard should one evaluate a political leader? Does the Bible shed any light on this question?
Is Morality Essential to Leadership?
A survey out of Washington, D.C. requests that ministers answer this question: “Can an individual serve in leadership who lacks moral authority?”
The Elephant in Evolution’s Living Room
Scientists recognize the complexity of the human genetic code, yet they are afraid to attribute that design to a Creator.
Will “Hell” Be Destroyed Eventually?
There are some who teach that the wicked will not be required to endure an “eternal punishment” (see Mt. 25:46) in hell. They argue that since “hell” is the “second death,” and as “death” is to be “destroyed,” it follows that hell will be destroyed ultimately. In this week’s Question and Answer segment, Wayne Jackson responds to this fallacious argument.
Did Jeremiah Err Regarding Jeconiah?
The prophet Jeremiah made a startling prophecy regarding king Jeconiah, the next-to-last king ruling in Judah (Jer. 22:30). Was the prophecy fulfilled, or did Jeremiah err in his prediction?
What About Singing “Psalms”?
Is it appropriate to sing some of the songs from the book of Psalms in the Old Testament? An interested reader wants to know.
Is the Bible Class Arrangement Scriptural?
Are Bible classes, commonly called “Sunday school classes,” in harmony with the holy scriptures? Some contend they are not, and they have divided the church over this issue. Take a fresh look at this subject with a biblically based, common sense approach.
Meet Ted Turner—Thanks, I’d Rather Not!
A profile of millionaire and humanist, Ted Turner.
Disney: The Mouse Betrayed
Disney power-brokers deny “official dealings” with members of the “gay” community, but the evidence is overwhelming.
Changing Attitudes Concerning Abortion
Americans’ views on abortion seem to be shifting, according to recent polling data.