Questions About Missions
Jason Jackson explores some guidelines for fulfilling our responsibility to preach the Word abroad.
A Warning to a Wayward Church
Not all churches, even those belonging to Christ, are of equal quality. This is forcefully illustrated in Christ’s letter to the church in Laodicea.
Questions for God
A survey in USA Today reports the most popular questions people would like to ask God. Most of these questions have already been answered within the pages of his Holy Book.
Was the Fruit of the Vine Fermented?
What should be the nature of the fruit of the vine used during the Lord’s supper?
The Battle at Baylor University
This is a commentary over the battle currently taking place at Baylor University over the issue of creation science.
The Demon Frenzy
This article discusses the recent claim by the journal Christianity that demon possession is a present-day reality.
Elder Qualifications: What About His Adult Children?
Must an elder resign from office if his adult child defects from the faith?
Is There a Bible Contradiction Regarding Ahaziah’s Age?
It appears that 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 conflict with reference to the age of Ahaziah. Is there a reasonable explanation for this discrepancy?
An Evolutionary Anomaly or “Barking Up the Wrong Tree”
A new scientific article asserts that dogs, in some ways, are closer to humans than chimps are. This is a new twist. Actually, it is but another one of the many anomalies that cast suspicion upon Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
The Corrupt “Incorruptible” Argument Against Baptism
A critic has disputed the biblical position that water baptism is requisite for the forgiveness of sins. He contends that one cannot be saved by a “corruptible” method. But “water” is corruptible. Thus, it has no place in the plan of redemption. Does the argument have merit? Read this article and see.
What About the “Sword” of the “Prince of Peace”?
Does the Bible contradict itself when it calls Jesus the Prince of Peace, and then Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword”?
Parents, Obey Your Father
Parental responsibility means helping your kids go to heaven. It takes time, attention, and divine insight. Be there for your children — be a Christian parent. Jason Jackson considers Paul’s admonition to children in Ephesians 6:1, which must be taught by parents.
Misdirected Benevolence
Spiritual people will feel compassion for the poor. But do we always exercise wisdom in our efforts to help? Let us reflect upon some principles relative to assisting the needy.
The Accuracy of the Book of Acts
Over the years, from time to time, critics direct their hostility at the book of Acts, attacking its credibility. Repeatedly, however, it has weathered the storm of criticism.
God’s Tear Bottle
David’s emotional appeal for God to treasure up his tears is a reminder to all God’s children of how much he cares when we are hurting.
I’m a Good Christian. So Why Am I Sick and Poor?
If God blesses his people, why are there so many Christians who are sick or poor?
Portraits of the Christ
The book of Hebrews is a marvelous treatise revealing the superiority of Christ and his New Covenant system over that of the preparatory Mosaic regime. The first chapter presents some fascinating portraits of the Lord Jesus.
Genesis 15:18 – Will Israel Once Again Possess the Promised Land?
In Genesis 15, Jehovah made a promise to Abraham. He declared that the patriarch’s seed would someday possess the territory between “the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates” (v. 18). Has the promise been fulfilled?
Genesis 8:11 – Did the Dove Really Find an Olive Tree?
Is the account of Noah’s flood accurate? How, the critic wants to know, could the dove have plucked a fresh olive leaf from a tree that, a week earlier (Gen. 8:10), had been totally submerged in water?
Daniel 3:6ff – Did They Really Burn People?
Were the events in Daniel chapter 3 recorded accurately? Archaeology once again confirms the authenticity of the Bible.