Job’s Final Exam
Jehovah’s questioning of the patriarch Job demonstrates the futility of criticizing our Creator.
Amos, David and Instruments of Music
Does Amos 6:5 censure David’s introduction of instrumental music in worship?
O Absalom — My Son, My Son!
The tragic story of King David’s infamous son, Absalom, conveys many valuable lessons.
What About Jacob’s Prophecy Regarding Zebulun?
Some allege that when Jacob uttered a prophecy regarding the tribe of Zebulun (Genesis 49:13), the declaration failed. Study this issue with us.
Nostradamus—Prophet or Pretender?
Was Nostradamus a prophet or pretender? Atheists allege his prophecies are just as impressive as prophecies found in the Bible.
Is There No Plan of Salvation for Angels?
Does Hebrews 2:16 teach that there is no plan of salvation for the angels who fell from God’s favor?
Lessons from Lamentations
When Does a Human Person Begin?
Does a human person begin at conception, uterine implantation, viability, birth or at some point after birth?
Ernest Renan’s Assessment of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ: Myth or Genuine History?
Bible critics charge that if Jesus Christ was a real historical character, there ought to be more in the Roman secular records about him. What may be said in response to this allegation?
Was Jesus Created First?
In his letter to the Colossians, Paul refers to Christ as “the firstborn of all creation.” Does this phrase suggest that Jesus was a “created” being? The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” so allege, but what is the truth of the matter? Study this intriguing question with us.
False Teaching Regarding Mary
This article discusses the false doctrine of the “immaculate conception” of Mary, mother of Jesus.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusions
Are blood transfusions a violation of God’s law? The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” claim they are. Many cases can be documented that demonstrate that the “Witnesses” have allowed family members to die, rather than save their lives with blood transfusions. Read this article regarding this controversial issue.
Resurrection: Literal or Merely Symbolic?
When the New Testament speaks of the resurrection, is it speaking of a literal resurrection of the body or merely a “symbolic” resurrection?
A Study of Samson: Faith and Folly
Though the case of Samson is at times perplexing, the Hebrew writer included the judge in a list of “heroes of faith.” A consideration of this Old Testament character yields valuable lessons.
Catholic Professor Protests
In 2003, we published a review of Dr. Thomas West’s book, Jesus and the Quest for Meaning. West is a Professor of Theology at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. In our review, we censured Professor West for his unorthodox ideas relative to the resurrection of Christ. The Professor has vigorously protested our essay. As a courtesy to him, we are publishing his letter of protest, and our response to the same.
Funeral Customs – Past and Present
We believe that there are principles which a judicious child of God might wish to consider in the planning of funerals.
Daniel’s Prophecies: Encouraging and Enlightening
Through divine intervention and revelation, God communicates a timeless message through the prophet Daniel – He is in charge and rules in the kingdoms of men. Combined with the book’s immense apologetic value, the study of Daniel is faith building in many respects. Our confidence in Scripture is increased; our conviction regarding God’s plan in the world is strengthened.
Are There Degrees of Blessedness and Punishment in Eternity?
Will there be different “degrees” of reward and punishment in the eternal order of things? The concept of “justice” — together with scriptural declarations — suggest there will be appropriate judgements.
Was Mormonism’s “Prophet” Misrepresented?
A critic has accused the Christian Courier of misrepresenting Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Mormon Church, with reference to one of his alleged “revelations.” Were we guilty of this infraction? Read this article and see.