Logic and the Plan of Salvation
Every one uses the principles of “logic,” whether aware of it or not. Humans cannot function with some logical skill. When it comes to religion, however, many fling “logic” to the wind. No where is this more apparent that in considering the plan of divine salvation.
Ezekiel 12:13 — The Blind Ruler
The prophet Ezekiel accurately prophesied the details of the capture of the king of Israel.
Jude 14 — The Prophecy of Enoch
What are the implications of Jude’s reference to a prophecy of Enoch? Study this matter with us.
Jude 1 – The Possibility of Apostasy
The book of Jude argues forcefully against the misguided notion that no child of God can ever be lost.
Judges 4 – Deborah, the Woman Judge
Does Deborah’s service as a judge of Israel authorize leadership roles for women in the Lord’s church?
Is Religion Going to the Dogs?
In an effort to attract larger crowds, some churches are now encouraging animal-lovers to bring their pets to worship services. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson lampoons this ludicrous practice.
The Connection between Religion and Morality
Does morality thrive in the absence of religion? While some allege that it will, studies do not support that conclusion.
Zechariah 6:12,13 – The Royal Priest
The book of Zechariah teaches important truths about the Messiah. Study it with us in this week’s Margin Notes.
Obadiah 1 – The Doom of Edom
A knowledge of the history behind any passage of Scripture is helpful. It is especially true of the book of Obadiah.
A Character Portrait of Moses
Moses, the man of God, was truly a remarkable person. His character was exemplary in a number of ways. And nowhere has that portrait been captured in such a condensed package as in Hebrews 11:24-27. Study this text carefully and be encouraged thereby.
Our Universe: An Amazing Machine
Our amazing universe is a wonderful, intricately designed machine.
Effective Bible Study — An Urgent Need For Everyone
If the church of today was a more studious body, she would not be plagued with as many problems as she now encounters. Knowledge is a powerful antidote to error. Let us return to the thrilling adventures within the Word of God.
Are Some Sins Greater than Others?
Are some sins “greater” than others? There is a sense in which any sin will condemn. There is another sense in which greater responsibility is attached to some acts of sin. Explore this topic with us.
What Does Isaiah Mean When He Says the Wolf Will Lie Down With the Lamb?
Will wolves literally lie down with lambs? What does Isaiah’s prophecies mean?
The Law of Moses: Some Metaphors Considered
A consideration of several biblical metaphors used of the law of Moses.
Lessons from the La Brea Tar Pits
This article is a discussion of the fossil evidence found at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles.
The Old Paths: Obsolete or Pressing Need?
It is now urgent that courageous men and women repeat the ancient refrain, “ask for the old paths ... and walk therein ....”
Harold Camping’s New Revelation: “Leave the Church!”
In 1992, Harold Camping, radio preacher out of Oakland, California, “prophesied” that history would end in 1994. It didn’t. Now, he is suggesting that the “great tribulation” is upon us, and all Christians should abandon the church. Read this review of the gentleman’s latest theory.
Where Did the Seven Sacraments Come From?
What is the actual history of the Seven Sacraments?
You’ve Heard of the Patience of Job
Job serves world-over as an example of perseverance despite limited knowledge. But when that knowledge is “The Lord is compassionate and merciful,” it is enough.