The Roman Catholic – Jewish Compromise
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?
Atheism: The “No-God” Religion
Atheists claim to the anti-religion, yet they have formed their own “religion.” They are the epitome of inconsistency.
The Biblical Concept of Sleep
The concept of “sleep” is used in many ways in the Bible. A study of these usages yields many valuable lessons.
The Growing Anti-Christian Sentiment
Legal authorities in New York City have fought against “Christian” symbolism in the city’s public schools, while defending the presence of both Jewish and Islamic symbolism. Some see this as an accelerating wave of antagonism against the Christian faith?
Atheism and the Historical Christ
Some atheists reject the very existence of Jesus of Nazareth. But is this lack of belief based on a reasonable examination of the evidence? Not in the least.
The Philanthropic Nature of Christianity
The arrival of Christianity provided refreshing encouragement of love-of-fellowman to a time that was marked by the lack of philanthropy.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
Questions About the Genesis Flood
Did Noah’s Flood really cover the entire earth? And was it really possible for him to carry all the animals in his ark?
The Classification of Bible Commands
The commands found in the Bible may be classified in several ways to help our understanding.
The Perfecting of Jesus Christ
A discussion of Hebrews 5:8-9.
Does the Bible Encourage Hatred?
Sometimes the Bible condemns hate. Sometimes it seems to encourage it.
The Twisted Logic of Liberalism
It is surely an oddity of modern liberalism within the body of Christ that some would appeal to the authority of Bible precedent to establish the premise that one needs no authority for what he practices in religion. This article addresses some of these current efforts.
The Remarkable Robert Dick Wilson
We are grateful for Robert Dick Wilson’s masterful work confirming the credibility of the Old Testament.
Skepticism and the “Uniformitarian” Principle
Skeptics dismiss miracles and the operation of divine providence by appealing to the uniformitarian principle, i.e., the present is the key to the past. However, when the atheistic agenda is at stake, exceptions to the uniform operations of nature are allowed. Study this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
What About the “Textus Receptus”?
Some today urge that the King James Version of the Bible is the very best available, because it was based upon the “Textus Receptus” Greek text. Though advocated by some sincere folks, this view is not consistent with the best of biblical scholarship. Note the following brief summary of this issue.
The Trashing of Human Life
The only way one can consistently argue for the sanctity of human life is to ground his case in the ultimate moral law which proceeds from the sovereign Creator of the universe.
Was Melchizedek the Preincarnate Christ?
Was Melchizedek the preincarnate Christ?
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
Know and Love the Truth
Truth is objective reality. No matter how I may feel about it, two plus two is not “three to me.” If that is how I feel about the equation, in reality, I am just plain wrong! In relation to God as our Creator and Redeemer, we must come to a knowledge of the truth, believe the truth, and obey the truth — all of which are revealed to us in the book of truth, the Word of God.
The Lord Is My Rock
The word “rock” is a common biblical metaphor. It illustrates many great truths about God. This article briefly surveys this topic.