The Use of the Preposition “Eis” in Matthew 12:41
In Acts 2:38 Peter contended that baptism is “for” (eis) the remission of sins. Since many religionists deny this biblical truth, they seek comfort in a supposed parallel that they imagine nullifies the force of eis in Acts 2:38. Some imagine they have found a solution to their theological problem in Matthew 12:41. But have they?
Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Church
Carefully study Isaiah 2:2-4 and absorb the rich truths of this prophecy.
Did Jesus Institute Ceremonial “Feet-Washing”?
Why don’t most Christians practice church “feet-washing” today, since Jesus did say, “you ought to do this”? We are responding to this sincere question in this week’s Question period.
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Why was Jesus immersed at the hands of John the Baptizer? Many have a difficult time understanding this pivotal event in the life of our Lord.
The Weekly Observance of the Lord’s Supper
Does the New Testament authorize the observance of each-Sunday communion? Is communion restricted to Sunday?
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
What About the Thief on the Cross?
If the thief on the cross could be saved without being baptized, why cannot people today do the same?
Acts 11:21,24 – “A Great Number that Believed Turned unto the Lord”
A subtle, but important, point from the Greek text helps us to distinguish several factors in the plan of salvation
Larry King Hosts Pat Boone, Max Lucado, and Others
Pat Boone appeared on Larry King Live to ask for prayers and miracles on behalf of his grandson. Is his faith misdirected?
Are Preachers To Be Called “Reverend”?
Is the use of a clerical title, e.g., “Reverend,” “Father,” “Rabbi,” or “Doctor”—within the framework of religious service—consistent with the will of God? This week’s question discusses this issue.
The Holy Spirit and the Apostles
The Holy Spirit was promised by Christ to his apostles for their special work.
Force-Feeding Obscenity to Our Youth
Do public school officials have the right to force students to read materials that they or their parents deem to be morally offensive?
Christian Priorities
What does Jesus expect from his disciples?
The Authorized Elements of Church Music
Jesus declared that “worship” must be consistent with revealed “truth” (John 4:24), namely God’s word (John 17:17). This includes the musical engagement of the church.
The Mandate for Christian Unity – A Study of Ephesians 4:1-6
Why is there so much religious diversity in the world—or even in the community of “Christendom”? Surely such is not the ideal will of God. Let us consider this theme most carefully.
John 4:7 — Christ’s Love and Tradition
In the course of Jesus’ exchange with the woman at the well, Jesus actually violated three cultural traditions of His day. In so doing, however, the Lord demonstrated the encompassing interest of Heaven in lost humanity.
The Assault upon Mark 16:16
The denominational community has long assaulted Mark 16:16 due to the simplicity of the passage in including baptism as a preliminary condition of salvation. Now, such attacks are coming even from certain “change agents” within the body of Christ. This article highlights one such recent effort.
8 Mistaken Ideas About Baptism
Although baptism is mentioned dozens of times in the New Testament, the rite has been so grossly misunderstood in a great variety of ways.
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt
One of the great scenes of Old Testament history is the exodus of Israel from Egyptian bondage. In this article, we wish to consider four aspects of this epochal event — the date of the exodus, the visitation of plagues upon Egypt, the passover, and the passage through the Red Sea.
Those Bogus “Bible Codes”
In recent years much publicity has been given to certain “Bible codes” that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month’s Feature article.