Power of the Pen, The
Wayne Jackson reflects on his past and aspirations for the future, in this endeavor.
The Christian and the Workplace
More and more, it appears, Americans are finding that materialism isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Without some sort of spiritual flavor, there is a void in life—an aching of the soul that longs for a greater satisfaction.
Did Christ Literally Bear Our Sins on the Cross?
Did Jesus literally become a sinner on the cross? Or did he merely suffer the penalty for sin that we justly deserved?
The Holy Scriptures—Indestructible
The Bible has survived the vicious attacks throughout its existence and continues to be the best-selling publication in the world.
The Christian and Depression
In spite of relative prosperity, better health, and considerable freedom, many people (even Christians) suffer with depression. What does the Bible say about depression? Is there a spiritual solution for this mental state?
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Does the fourth commandment apply today? Should Christians keep the Sabbath?
Pass Over “The Passover Plot”
For some twenty centuries critics of the Bible have sought to discredit the scriptural narrative regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. These efforts have all been characterized by a similarly frustrated and futile line of baseless argument. One such endeavor in recent decades was Hugh J. Schonfield’s infamous, The Passover Plot. In this weeks Penpoints, Jason Jackson reminds us of this anemic enterprise.
The Church And Its Detractors
There are always been those, both without and within the church of Jesus Christ, who have attempted to weaken and compromise the gospel of Christ. Such antagonists must ever be identified and rebuffed.
Herodotus and the Bible
This article shows how the histories of Herodotus confirm the reliability of the Bible.
Corinth – A Troubled Church
The church in Corinth had numerous spiritual problems, one of which was its tolerance of flagrant immorality. In his letter to this church, the apostle delivers a sharp rebuke. Happily, it produce a healthy result.
A Misguided Statement Regarding Miracles
A popular Christian teacher recently stated that sincere people, regardless of their religious affiliation, should not be discouraged from praying for miracles. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson respectfully challenges this assertion.
Why Did Paul Say, “Let God Be True...”?
In what seems to be a rather blunt statement, Paul wrote to the Roman Christians, “Let God be found true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4). What is the meaning of this challenge?
Is God Exclusive?
God determines who is to be identified as a Christian; he has not assigned that responsibility to us.
Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002)
Harvard’s noted anti-creationist, Stephen J. Gould, recently died after a lengthy battle with cancer. In this article, Wayne Jackson comments regarding the professor’s controversial legacy.
A Warning to a Wayward Church
Not all churches, even those belonging to Christ, are of equal quality. This is forcefully illustrated in Christ’s letter to the church in Laodicea.
While He Was Yet Speaking
How do you maintain your faith in the face of personal tragedy?
Did Jesus Christ Exist in the Form of God on Earth?
Was Jesus fully God or less than fully God while he was on the earth?
The Altar of Incense: Where Was It Located?
Some critics have accused the writer of the book of Hebrews with contradicting the Old Testament with reference to where the “altar of incense” was located. Is this an insurmountable difficulty?
The Wages of Sin and the Free Gift of God
An in-depth study of two contrasting ideas: what we’ve earned through sin and the free gift God has offered to humanity.
The Christian and Bribery
Biblical ethics would never allow the faithful Christians to engage in practices commonly known as bribery.