Reports of Evidence for the Genesis Flood
This article addresses recent reports of possible evidence in the Black Sea for the Genesis flood.
Can a Sheep Stray from the Fold?
No one can “snatch” Christ’s sheep away from him. (Jn. 10:28). But does this mean that a child of God can never fall from grace and be lost eternally?
A Message from an Angel
In the 14th chapter of the book of Revelation, John the apostle records a vision of several angels, who bring messages from God. This article addresses one of those messages.
The Soul’s Anchor Is the Hope of Heaven
Only the truth gives hope — real hope — and, as the American poet Wallace Rice put it, “hope is the patent medicine for disease, disaster, and sin.” In this article, Jason Jackson surveys several biblical expressions in which the word “hope” appears. These phrases teach us about the Christian’s future.
Armageddon: The Next of the “Left-Behind” Series
The Significance of the Day of Pentecost
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
Miracles in the Book of Acts
When we think about miracles in the New Testament, we often consider the miracles of Christ in the Gospel accounts. There are, however, many miracles recorded in the book of Acts. A survey of these miraculous works is worthy of our reflection.
Is the Language of Genesis 1 Merely Metaphorical?
In an attempt to harmonize the biblical record with evolutionary chronology, some allege that the creation description of Genesis 1 is merely metaphorical. Such a position thrusts aside responsible interpretative procedure.
A Reflection Upon Three Crosses
In the spring of A.D. 30, three men were crucified just outside the city of Jerusalem. A consideration of the historical facts associated with each is rewarding indeed.
God’s Great Plan Consummated
Can man know that God exists? Is humanity the result of divine creation, or merely the consequence of impersonal evolutionary forces?
Let Your Light Shine
By reflecting the influence of Christ in their lives, Christians lead others to glorify their Father who is in heaven.
False Ideas About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the most renowned person of human history? That being true, why are there so many false ideas circulating about him? Because people have biases and they “reinvent” a “Jesus” after their own presuppositions. In this article we review some of the bizarre theories.
Evolutionary Theory: A Reed in the Wind
The common misconception regarding the theory of evolution is that it has been settled and proven conclusively. Not so.
The Belly Button Argument
A gentleman recently attempted to negate the divine proclamation that God made heaven and earth, and everything therein, in six days (Exodus 20:11). His argument can best be characterized as “belly button” logic. We here review it briefly.
Did the Ancient Gentiles Have the Hope of Salvation?
The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven
In two parables, Jesus emphasized the great value of his Kingdom.
Jesus Christ – The Righteous Warrior
The most common impression of Jesus is that of a loving, tender, compassionate Savior. But there is another side to that “coin” — the one portrayed in Revelation 19:11ff.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Calvinism and the Great Commission
There is a terrible conflict between Christ’s “Great Commission” and the Calvinistic dogma of predestination. It has not been unnoticed even by the disciples of the Swiss reformer.