Genesis 1:1-2 – The Gap Theory
Some point to Genesis 1:1-2 as a biblical basis for the Gap Theory. Yet a brief study of the grammar of this passage shows there is no such basis.
The Work Ethic
We are living in a time when the “work ethic” is suffering enormously. More and more people want to do less and less for higher pay.
Must Terminally Ill Christians Artificially Prolong Life?
Must terminally ill Christians artificially prolong life?
Will God Bring All Sins into Remembrance?
Will God remember all sins on the day of judgment, even those once pardoned?
Is Religion Going to the Dogs?
In an effort to attract larger crowds, some churches are now encouraging animal-lovers to bring their pets to worship services. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson lampoons this ludicrous practice.
James 3:1 – A Warning for Teachers
James 3:1 contains an important warning for teachers. Good teachers will be wonderfully blessed in heaven; bad teachers will be judged with severity.
Internet Etiquette
In the internet age, the ease of communication without thought has caused many problems.
Dealing with Mail
E-mail, regular mail — what will it be today? Let me give you a small sample of the frustrations associated with writing. It’s not a problem of enormous magnitude — we deal with it. Occasionally, however, it’s good to “vent.”
An Accessory to Adultery
Can a person, though not actually involved in the commission of a sin, be an accessory to that transgression? Let’s think about it.
Hebrews 11—What Is Faith?
Hebrews chapter 11 is a biblical record of faith. The examples listed there are our road map to understanding true faith.
Luke 11:13 — Asking for the Holy Spirit
The Scriptures do not teach, here nor elsewhere, that the Lord, in answer to prayer, supernaturally infuses His children with the Holy Spirit.
1 Chronicles 2:13-15 – Jesse’s Sons
Some may jump to the conclusion that the Bible contradicts itself with regard to Jesse’s sons. But such a conclusion is not necessary.
Fashion Oddities and Public Worship
Are public worship forums the place for “fashion” eccentricities? Some seem to think there should be no restrictions as to what one may wear when functioning in a teaching and/or leadership role in church assemblies. This “hot button” topic is discussed in this week’s Penpoints article.
A Lesson from the Leech
What can we learn from a blood-sucking leech?
2 Kings 18:13 — Sennacherib’s Invasion
The case of Sennacherib highlights the foolishness in pitting one’s self against God.
What About the Harry Potter Books?
How should the Christian evaluate the Harry Potter book series?
Was Judas “Predestined” to Betray Christ?
A sincere reader wants to know whether or not Judas was “predestined” to betray Christ. He feels that certain New Testament passages suggest that he was. This week’s Question discusses this issue.
1 Corinthians 14:26 – Presentation Worship
Does 1 Corinthians 14:26ff authorize solos or choirs in New Testament worship?
Christian and “Higher Education”, The
Youngsters who attend secular educational institutions frequently are confronted with seriously erroneous teachings. How do they deal with these dangerous situations? It doesn’t have to be a hostile encounter.
2 Timothy 1:5 — Godly Parents — Wicked Parents
A contrast between Timothy’s mother, a godly woman, and Ahaziah, whose notorious mother and grandmother counselled him to do evil.