The Middle East Conflict
Socially sensitive people are greatly concerned about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that continues to rage in the Middle East. Unfortunately, midguided political and religious commentators are adding fuel to the controversy. Who has the legitimate claim to the so-called “Holy Land”? This week’s Penpoints addresses this issue.
Matthew Henry: Commentator for the Common Person
Matthew Henry’s commentaries on the Bible have been popular for some three centuries. They provide devotional material that refreshes the spirit. The Bible student may wish to know something of Henry’s background.
When Peter Stood Condemned
When Peter refrained from association with the Gentiles at Antioch, Paul declared that he “stood condemned.” Does this mean that, at least potentially, Peter could have been lost? Study this intriguing issue with us.
More Preaching on Baptism?
Does the church need more preaching on baptism? How does one determine balance in gospel preaching? Jason Jackson addresses this issue in this week’s Penpoints.
Is God There?
When we are suffering, is God really watching over us? Does he really care?
Destructive Criticism and the Old Testament
The investigations of “higher critics” have proceeded along lines buttressed with biased presuppositions that are grossly inaccurate, and which have been repeatedly and thoroughly discredited by reputable scholars.
Loving Life; Seeing Good Days
Do you love living? Are your days “good” ones or “bad” ones? Your manner of living and your attitude can make a difference.
Does 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Constitute a Binding Pattern?
Some attempt to argue that Christians are not commanded to give a weekly contribution based on 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.
6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Was there ever a time when men and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time? What does the evidence indicate?
Is Freemasonry a Religious Institution?
Is the Masonic Lodge a harmless fraternal organization or a religious organization subversive to Christianity?
Acts 2:38—Not So Tough
Another argument which denies the essential role baptism plays in our salvation is answered.
Did You Vote?
How can you really help change the direction of our nation? By following this simple plan.
1 Corinthians 6 – No Shield for Lawbreakers
A discussion of whether a Christian can appeal to civil law in a defense against another Christian
Paul’s “Mother”
So many noble women have served in the kingdom of Christ. They do not fully comprehend their contribution to the Lord’s servants and to his cause.
The Old Testament and Incense
The Old Testament contains many references to the burning of incense. What lessons does this hold for us today? Let us meditate upon this theme together.
Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?
Have you ever heard of a good person who has done a very bad thing? Why does this happen?
Man, From the Beginning
For Bible believers, there can be no compromise between evolutionary chronology and the biblical historical record.
What Does the Scripture Say?
How should one view the literature of the Bible? As a mere human production? Or as the inspired word of God? First it is imperative that the sincere student ascertain how the biblical writers themselves viewed their productions. That is the thrust of this month’s Feature article. Study with us.
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.