Acts 10 & 11 – Was Cornelius Saved before Being Baptized?
Was Cornelius, the Roman centurion, saved before and without baptism? Some so claim.
False Teachers; Destructive Heresies – 2 Peter 2:1
Terrorists in the Church
“Terrorist” is a word with which we are quite familiar these days—at least in a political sense. What about “terrorists” in the church? They were present in the early church, and they are today as well. We must learn to identify them if the church is to be kept pure.
Is Sexual Self-stimulation Wrong?
Sometimes the most unpleasant topics are worthy of addressing for the benefit of others. That is the case with the theme below.
Were John’s Disciples Required To Be Reimmersed?
Were those disciples who were immersed by John the Baptizer required to be re-immersed on the day of Pentecost or thereafter? Some sincere Bible students maintain they were, but will the evidence really support that view?
May A Woman Ever Teach A Man?
Is there New Testament authority for a woman to EVER teach a man in any circumstance?
Character Studies in Joshua
Characters in the book of Joshua present interesting and valuable studies that offer powerful, transforming spiritual lessons
Did Matthew Err Regarding “Judea”?
Critics of the Bible allege that the apostle Matthew made a mistake when he suggested “Judea” was “beyond the Jordan” (Mt. 19:1). Is there any way to legitimately exonerate the apostle from this charge? Study this problem with us.
Can I Still Be Saved If I’ve Sinned Deliberately?
Does Hebrews 10:26 mean that anyone who sins “deliberately” is beyond hope of salvation?
May One “Judge” Other Churches?
May one criticize the activities of a church of which he is not a member, without being guilty of judging?
Will “Hell” Be Destroyed Eventually?
There are some who teach that the wicked will not be required to endure an “eternal punishment” (see Mt. 25:46) in hell. They argue that since “hell” is the “second death,” and as “death” is to be “destroyed,” it follows that hell will be destroyed ultimately. In this week’s Question and Answer segment, Wayne Jackson responds to this fallacious argument.
Will Wicked People Be Annihilated in Hell?
This question discusses the ultimate fate of the wicked. Will it be annihilation or conscious suffering?
Did Peter’s Weakness Negate His Inspiration?
It is sometimes claimed that the Bible is inconsistent in its theology in that it claims infallibility for the apostles’ teaching, yet acknowledges they made mistakes in their personal lives. How does one address this alleged difficulty?
Was Paul Mistaken in Galatians 6:10?
A Christian lady has suggested that Paul was mistaken when he recommended benevolence, first to Christian, then to non-Christians. Is the criticism reasonable?
Is the Church a Reed or a Pillar?
A reed is a symbol of instability; a pillar signifies a solid, immovable foundation. The church of today must ask: “Are we a ‘reed shaken in the wind’ or are we the ‘pillar and ground of the truth’”?
Obsessive Personalities
An obsession is a persistent, compulsive preoccupation with something. It could be a person, an idea, or desire. The New Testament condemns addictive, obsessive behavior as a spiritual abnormality.
Does the Grace in Ephesians 2:8-9 Exclude Baptism?
Many have been deceived into believing that grace by definition excludes obedience. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Abel Still Speaks, But Are We Listening?
The writer of the book of Hebrews says that Abel, the first murder victim, is yet speaking. What is he saying? Are we listening?
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A profile of millionaire and humanist, Ted Turner.