Messianic Previews in the Book of Zechariah
There are more than eight thousand prophetic verses in the Bible. Many of these portray the coming Messiah (Christ). Several are in the marvelous book of Zechariah.
Heaven, The Home of Our Soul
Heaven is a place prepared for a prepared people.
The Influence of Evolution upon Religion
How has Charles Darwin’s popular theory of origins influenced religious thinkers?
Logic and the Plan of Salvation
Every one uses the principles of “logic,” whether aware of it or not. Humans cannot function with some logical skill. When it comes to religion, however, many fling “logic” to the wind. No where is this more apparent that in considering the plan of divine salvation.
Are the Scriptures “Verbally” Inspired of God?
Some claim that there is a “sense” in which the Bible is “inspired of God” — but that it cannot be claimed that the very words themselves were divinely given. Will this theory stand the test of critical examination? This article looks at the biblical claim itself.
Is the Apocrypha Inspired of God?
Why the Apocryphal books don’t belong in the inspired canon of Scripture.
A Survey of the Major Prophets
The Major Prophets represent the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
The Two “Beasts” of Revelation 13
In Revelation 13, John sees a vision of two beasts—one arising from the sea, another from the earth. What do these images represent?
Facts About the Second Coming of Christ
One of the most dominant themes in the New Testament is the second coming of Christ. Over the centuries, numerous false ideas have confused many regarding earth’s final event. Here are some facts about our Lord’s return...
A Brief Study of the Word “Kingdom”
Biblical words may have varying senses, depending upon the context in which they are found. A brief study of the term “kingdom” is a good illustration of this principle.
What Is the Meaning of “Corban”?
What did Jesus mean in Mark 7:11-12 when he condemned the Pharisees’ practice of “Corban”?
Lessons from the Ark of the Covenant
The mysterious Ark of the Covenant disappeared from human history but still teaches valuable lessons.
The Terror of Death: Causes and Cures
There are numerous examples from history of valiant Christians who went to their deaths as martyrs, singing hymns and happily praising God. How were they able to exude such a joyful demeanor? Whence their sense of fearlessness that seems to elude so many today?
The Strange Case of Julian “The Apostate”
The Roman emperor, known as Julian “the Apostate,” represents but another “glitch” on the panoramic screen of history in the futile efforts to discredit Christianity.
The Law of Moses: Some Metaphors Considered
A consideration of several biblical metaphors used of the law of Moses.
Isn’t Christ the Author of “Our” Faith?
Is “faith” a gift of God that is bestowed independent of man’s freedom of choice? In a recent article we argued that such is not the case. In view of our dispute of the Calvinistic position, a courteous critic asks for an explanation of Hebrews 12:2, and the divine affirmation that Jesus is the “Author” of “our faith.”
What About the Baptism of Young Children?
How old should a child be before he is allowed to be baptized? Are we immersing some who are too young? What are some of the guidelines by which responsible decisions can be made?
Paul’s Instruction to the Saints of Crete
Paul’s admonishment of the Cretan Chrisitans, through Titus, provides a marvelous synopsis of the redemption process.
The Latest Hagee Heresy: “In Defense of Israel”
John Hagee’s new book, In Defense of Israel, makes some astounding claims. But will they stand in the light of scripture?
Was the Fruit of the Vine Fermented?
What should be the nature of the fruit of the vine used during the Lord’s supper?