The Role of Woman
There are those in the body of Christ who are clamoring that women must throw off the yoke of male domination and claim their rightful place in the Lord’s kingdom.
The Cyrus Decree
After the Jews had spent seventy years in Babylonian Captivity, Cyrus, king of Persia, issued a decree permitting them to return to their homeland. It was an amazing event in ancient history.
The Creation Week—Reflections on Genesis
This article is a listing of some of the many truths to be discovered from a study of Genesis chapter one.
The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
The conversion of the persecutor, Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most significant events in the book of Acts. Tragically, the theme is frequently misunderstood. Study this case history with us.
A Study of Heaven
Heaven will be a wonderful reward for those faithful to God. Unfortunately the biblical teaching on this theme has been grossly perverted in numerous ways. Study this great topic in this article.
A Divine Platform for Christian Unity
In Paul’s letter to the saints in Ephesus, there is a marvelous platform for Christian unity. In this article, Wayne Jackson discusses the components of the plan for sacred unity.
The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven
In two parables, Jesus emphasized the great value of his Kingdom.
The Intercession of the Spirit
In a marvelous passage designed to inspire confidence in God’s oversight of our lives, Paul affirms that the Holy Spirit assists the Christian in his prayer life.
The Significance of the Day of Pentecost
MASADA: The Final and Futile Stand
On a high mountain plateau just west of the Dead Sea in A.D. 73, the final battle between the Romans and the Jews took place. It was the concluding destruction and dispersal of the Hebrew nation, as such previously was known for the preceding fifteen centuries.
The Explosive Growth of the Kingdom of Christ
In the parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus predicted that his kingdom would start in a small, relatively obscure fashion; exhibit extraordinary growth; and increase to a large size in proportion to its beginning. History has wonderfully demonstrated the fulfillment of the Savior’s words.
Enemies of Christ
There are two kinds of enemies of Jesus: those who campaign against him in public and those who are unwitting enemies of the cross.
The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
When a Pagan King Challenged Jehovah
Sennacherib sent a great army to Jerusalem. Through his military officials, he made a series of threats, the design of which was to bully the Hebrew king.
What About the “Sword” of the “Prince of Peace”?
Does the Bible contradict itself when it calls Jesus the Prince of Peace, and then Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword”?
Zechariah’s Amazing Prophecy of the Betrayal of Christ
Bible prophecy is one of the most powerful evidences of the divine origin of the Scriptures. Here is a truly remarkable prophecy from the book of Zechariah.
Are There “Signs” of the Second Coming of Christ?
Predicting the return of Jesus Christ is a full-time hobby for some. Does Matthew 24 contain the signs needed to predict Christ’s return?
Who Was John the Baptist?
Who was John the Baptist? What was his relationship to Jesus?
The Role of “Works” in God’s Plan of Redemption
Many sincere people labor under the illusion that “works” play no role whatever in Heaven’s plan of redemption? Is this a correct view? Actually, it is not. Study this theme with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
The Crucifixion of Christ
A study of the crucifixion of Christ in the light of history, archaeology, and prophecy yields a greater appreciation for this seminal event of human history.