Why Humanity Should Serve God
Does God need our service? If not, then why should humanity serve him?
What about Braided Hair?
A discussion of Paul’s prohibition of braided hair, gold, etc.
What About the Ouija Board?
Is it wrong for Christians to consult the Ouija Board? Is this merely an innocent pasttime? This week’s question looks at this issue.
Jerry Falwell and the Antichrist
A commentary on a speech given by Jerry Falwell regarding the Antichrist in 1999.
Concerning Dogs and Hogs
Christ once warned against giving that which is holy to dogs, and casting pearls before swine. But how many heed his admonition?
Advice to Aspiring Writers
Some friendly advice to aspiring Christian writers from a man of experience.
Exploring the Concept of Priesthood
The study of the concept of priesthood contains many valuable facets. It also is fraught with religious error. This article discusses both of these aspects.
How Will God Judge Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?
What will be the ultimate fate of those who never have a chance to hear the gospel of Christ? This is a question with which every sensitive soul struggles.
On Radicalism and Making Reckless Accusations
It is time for a return to an era of fidelity that is seasoned with common sense and brotherly concern.
Did God Reward Midwives for Lying?
Did God reward the midwives who may have lied to Pharaoh, only to kill Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 for the same infraction? Does God deal prejudicially with people? Does the Bible represent the Lord as an inconsistent, unfair God? Let’s take a close look at a question that speculates on the justice of God.
Is a Literal Interpretation of Genesis 1 Important?
Does it really matter how one interprets Genesis 1, so long as he believes the basic truth that God was the Creator?
Peter Vs. the Papacy
The literature of the Roman Catholic Church makes the claim that the apostle Peter was the original Pope, and the earthly “head” of the Church. Do the apostle’s personal writings sustain this view? Read this week’s Penpoints article for a discussion of this issue.
A Message from John
It is not an uncommon thing that a Bible verse, which seems so simple, can be so deep and brimming with meaning. Such surely is the case with the apostle John’s tender message in 1 John 2:1-2. In this week’s Penpoints, we contemplate this thrilling passage.
Skepticism and the “Uniformitarian” Principle
Skeptics dismiss miracles and the operation of divine providence by appealing to the uniformitarian principle, i.e., the present is the key to the past. However, when the atheistic agenda is at stake, exceptions to the uniform operations of nature are allowed. Study this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
Do Not Sin Against the Children
It is time that we recognize the value of our children. They are the future of this world. We must care for them, teach them, and fortify their precious souls against the evils that would assault them.
The Agony of Gethsemane
As Jesus prayed on the mount of Olives, “his sweat became as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground” (Lk. 22:44). Did blood actually come from the Lord’s skin, or is the language merely a figure of speech emphasizing the Savior’s agony?
Hebrews 2:1 – Giving Heed to the Gospel
It is quite apparent that when one “gives heed” to the Lord’s will, he obeys the gospel.
The Truth on Baptism Should Not Be “Watered Down”
Baptism is a controversial subject in the religious world. How should it be performed? Who is a proper candidate for baptism? What is the purpose of baptism? Conflicting answers abound. Throw in a mix of emotions, and it seems even more confusing. Jason Jackson responds to a sincere reader and looks at the New Testament in order to clearly define this important topic that gets “watered down” by so many religious leaders.
Did Behemoth Have a Navel?
Does behemoth’s “navel” preclude its classification as a dinosaur?
Jesus Christ: Approved, Disapproved, and Proved
On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached Jesus — his approval by God, his disapproval by men, and the proving of his claim by his resurrection.