Are Vegetarians Holier than Thou?
In recent years we have heard more and more about the so-called “animal rights” movement. This is but one of the by-products of the evolutionary philosophy which suggests that all of earth’s biological creatures share a common heritage.
Was Paul Mistaken in Galatians 6:10?
A Christian lady has suggested that Paul was mistaken when he recommended benevolence, first to Christian, then to non-Christians. Is the criticism reasonable?
What About Singing “Psalms”?
Is it appropriate to sing some of the songs from the book of Psalms in the Old Testament? An interested reader wants to know.
What Is Sola Scriptura?
The expression sola scriptura is a Latin term that reflects the affirmation that the “Scriptures alone” constitute the source of sacred revelation for the Christian age. A well-known Roman Catholic spokesman disputes this proposition. This article responds to his arguments.
Three Prayers of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving in prayer is a common theme in the Bible. This article focuses upon three “tenses” of prayers of thanksgiving.
Does the ESV Translation Promote “Faith Alone” Salvation?
Does the English Standard Version of the New Testament promote the doctrine of “salvation by faith alone” in Romans 10:9-10? No, but the translation is not as precise as it should be.
Fashion Oddities and Public Worship
Are public worship forums the place for “fashion” eccentricities? Some seem to think there should be no restrictions as to what one may wear when functioning in a teaching and/or leadership role in church assemblies. This “hot button” topic is discussed in this week’s Penpoints article.
False Ideas about the Holy Spirit
False teachers do exist (2 Peter 2:1), and the ideas they advocate are dangerous. In this study, we will direct attention to some false teachings relative to the Holy Spirit.
Be Confident of Your Salvation – Studies in 1 John (Part 2)
Because of who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do, we can walk in the light, being confident as Christians and sure of salvation. This is part 2 of a two-part study on John’s first epistle.
Christianity and World Religions
The eastern mystic religions are growing in popularity. But are all religions created equal?
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
Do the Imprecatory Psalms and Christian Ethics Clash?
Troubled souls often raise such questions: If all parts of the Bible are equally inspired, how do you explain passages like Psalms 69:22-28, which call for punishment upon one’s enemies?
The Preacher and His Audience
Both the preacher and his audience have responsibilities in the kingdom of Christ.
I Know My Redeemer Lives
Do we know that Christ, our Redeemer, is living today? If so, how do we know this? Is such merely by a feeling within our “heart”? Reflect seriously upon this matter for a moment.
What About Those After Death Visits to the Other Side?
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ventured far afield from her area of expertise in speculating about human immortality.
Preacher Attempts to Walk on Water and Drowns
It is a sad occasion when a sincere but misguided persons attempts to “walk by faith,” but that “faith” is not grounded in the word of God. The following article illustrates this grim reality.
Is It Okay to Lie Sometimes?
Obfuscation is a type of lying. It is a form of lying that attempts to “sneak” around the truth without being so blatant. This article addresses this type of under-the-table dishonesty.
The Erosion of Marriage
America is undergoing a serious erosion of one of the most sacred institutions of humanity—that of marriage. Such will continue to eat away at the very vitals of human existence.
Should We Lift “Holy Hands” When We Pray?
In his first letter to Timothy, Paul uses the expression, “lifting up holy hands” (1 Tim. 2:8). Does this suggest that one should hold up his hands when praying? Wayne Jackson addresses this question.
In What Sense Has Christ Abolished Death?
Paul informed Timothy that Jesus Christ “abolished death” (2 Tim. 1:10). Yet, elsewhere the apostle indicates that death will not be abolished until the return of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 15:24-26). How is the Bible student to reconcile this seeming conflict?