In the Steps of Abraham
The life of Abraham abounds with lessons from which the sincere child of God can profit.
The Unique Case of Cornelius
The conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 contains valuable lessons for today.
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
On Sunday, before his crucifixion on Friday, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. The crowds worshipped him. What was the significance of the momentous event? Study this episode with us; it is rich with precious truths.
Numbers 14:11-12 – The Disinheritance of a Rebellious Child
After becoming a “child of God,” is it possible to lose one’s “inheritance”?
Romans 1:20 – The Testimony of Creation
As the inspired Paul affirms to the Romans, the natural world around us points to the existence and attributes of the Creator.
Did Behemoth Have a Navel?
Does behemoth’s “navel” preclude its classification as a dinosaur?
Luke 14:26 – Hating Family
How does one explain Jesus’ injuction for followers to “hate” their families?
The Responsibility of the Bible Teacher
The church is facing a crisis in the early days of this new millennium. There is a drastic shortage of qualified Bible class teachers. Church leaders need to train new teachers, and those already in that capacity need to take their jobs seriously.
Killer Kids
A critical look at a disturbing trend of violence in our youth
Spiritualism — A Deadly Movement
Thousands of people labor under the illusion that some are able to contact the dead? What is to be said of such attempts? Is this merely a harmless superstition. Study this issue with us.
Apostasy: A Clear and Ever-Present Danger
Jesus, A Man of Prayer
We have much to learn about prayer from Jesus. His prayers are models both in what to pray for and when to pray.
The Jesus Seminar Strikes Again
The Jesus Seminar is a panel of liberal theologians who have commissioned themselves for a cut-and-paste job on the text of the New Testament.
Jonah: A “Fish Story” or History?
Is the Old Testament account of Jonah a myth or a credible recording of actual events? Some point to alleged inaccuracies to claim the account is a fable.
A Tribute to a Nameless Widow
Jesus once observed a poor widow contributing into the treasury of the Jewish temple. This incident is twice recorded in the Gospel records. Of what significance is this narrative? Study this fascinating account in this week’s Penpoints.
Did the Nile River Really Turn to Blood?
During the plagues that were visited upon Egypt, prior to Israel’s departure from that land, did the Nile River actually turn to blood, or was this merely a silting of the river with red clay?
Why Did Paul Say, “Let God Be True...”?
In what seems to be a rather blunt statement, Paul wrote to the Roman Christians, “Let God be found true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4). What is the meaning of this challenge?
Do Genesis 10 and 11 Conflict with Reference to the Languages in the Earth?
Some critics of the Bible allege that there is a contradiction between Genesis chapters 10 and 11. Chapter 10 mentions various “tongues” or “languages,” while chapter 11 suggests the entire earth was of one language before the tower of Babel incident. What is the truth of the matter?
The Lord’s Day