Is the Genesis Creation Account Poetry?
Some suggest that Genesis 1 and 2 are not literal accounts of actual history. Instead, much of the narrative is poetic, with elements of history embedded. But what does the evidence show?
The Sweet Fragrance of a Subtle Argument
After Christ was taken down from the cross, Nicodemas, a disciple, brought spices to scatter within the folds of the Lord’s burial wrappings. Certain women also came to the tomb on that Sunday morning, intending to anoint the crucified corpse. What evidence do these accounts subtly supply? Consider this matter with us.
The Roman Catholic – Lutheran Peace Treaty
On October 31, 1999 in Augsburg, Germany, representatives of Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism met to sign a “peace treaty” of sorts.
Did Jesus Violate the Sabbath?
A Christian writer/speaker, who travels extensively and lectures on “Does God Exist?,” has written that the Bible indicates that Jesus, on one occasion, “violated” the Old Testament Sabbath-day law. He has cited the Gospel of Mark 2:23-24. Would you comment on this?
What Are Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation?
What is the difference between the doctrines of “transubstantiation” and “consubstantiation”?
The Church that Drove Jesus Out
In his letter to the church in Laodicea recorded in the book of Revelation, the Lord expresses his disgust with their current condition. What could have elicited such a response?
What About John’s “Ridiculous” Statement?
Is there a reasonable explanation for John’s statement that the deeds of Christ could not fit into all of the world’s books (Jn. 21:25)?
Is It Wrong to Dispute Religious Error?
Is it wrong to disagree about religious doctrine?
More Preaching on Baptism?
Does the church need more preaching on baptism? How does one determine balance in gospel preaching? Jason Jackson addresses this issue in this week’s Penpoints.
The Gospel Writers and Their Quotations from Jesus
When the Gospel writers cite the words of Jesus, they frequently vary their terminology. This is troubling to some. Is this circumstance cause for concern?
1 Corinthians 6 – No Shield for Lawbreakers
A discussion of whether a Christian can appeal to civil law in a defense against another Christian
Was Mohammed the Prophet of Whom Moses Spoke?
A young convert to Islam asserts that Mohammed was the “prophet” of whom Moses spoke in Deuteronomy 18:15ff. What are the facts regarding this matter?
The Growing Interest in Angels
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the subject of angels. Do these creatures actually exist? Do they operate now, as they did in Bible times? This brief essay addresses these intriguing questions.
The Authorized Elements of Church Music
Jesus declared that “worship” must be consistent with revealed “truth” (John 4:24), namely God’s word (John 17:17). This includes the musical engagement of the church.
Who Is the “Natural” Man in 1 Corinthians 2:14?
In a letter to the church at Corinth, Paul affirmed that “the natural man does not receive the things of God.” Some allege that this text suggests that one cannot understand the Scriptures without direct guidance from the Holy Spirit. But, as Wayne Jackson demonstrates in this article, this view reflects a misunderstanding of the apostle’s argument.
A Rebellion in Heaven
Is there biblical evidence that there once was a rebellion among angels in heaven?
Was Jesus “Gruff” and “Explosive”?
Sometimes well-meaning writers attribute to Christ incorrect attitudes or actions. We must be careful not to do that. Let us look carefully at this important issue.
Abel Still Speaks, But Are We Listening?
The writer of the book of Hebrews says that Abel, the first murder victim, is yet speaking. What is he saying? Are we listening?
A Study of Messianic Psalms
The Psalms have much to say about Jesus the Messiah. Jason Jackson details the characteristics of these moving prophecies.
What Must I Know To Be Saved?
Unlike some other religions, the validity of Christian faith rests upon what we believe about the gospel of Christ. But what exactly must one know to become a child of God? Let’s explore these thoughts in this brief article.