The Righteousness of God Revealed
The book of Romans is magnificent in that it reveals so many aspects of the “righteousness of God” (1:16-17).
Will Heaven Be on Earth?
There is a popular view that “heaven” will be on “earth,” after our planet has been purged by fire at the end of time. This theory is wholly without merit and results from a failure to understand the symbolic nature of several passages of scripture.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ
A comprehensive exposé of the Jehovah’s Witness denial of the deity of Jesus Christ.
A Study of Biblical Types
One of the most fascinating areas of Bible study is that of typology—the study of Scripture “types.”
Steve Allen’s Attack upon the Bible
This article, originally published in 1993, addresses the book written by popular songwriter-comedian, Steve Allen (1921-2000), Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality.
Some Atheistic Arguments Answered
Atheism is a philosophical system of contradiction and confusion. Atheists do, however, attempt to argue their case. In this article, we will analyze two of the popular arguments employed in defense of atheism.
Is the Holy Spirit Worthy of Worship?
Is the Holy Spirit, as a divine Being, worthy of our worship? What do the Scriptures teach on this vital theme? Carefully and prayerfully study this subject with us.
Examine Yourselves!
In dealing with a contentious element in the Corinthian church, and in anticipation of a visit to this congregation, Paul admonished: “Examine yourselves.” Those who are conscientious regarding their own souls will appropriate this principle to their personal beliefs and practices.
The English Standard Version Study Bible – A Review
Since its release in 2001, the English Standard Version of the Bible has gained popularity. We reviewed the ESV several years back and gave it commendation. Last year the ESV Study Bible appeared. While the study tools frequently are helpful, there are numerous danger spots characterized by doctrinal error. Those using this edition should be informed.
Christianity and World Religions
The eastern mystic religions are growing in popularity. But are all religions created equal?
Flesh and Blood Did Not Reveal It
Is there any evidence that Jesus really was the Son of God?
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
Hard Sayings in the Bible
How does one account for some of those “hard sayings” in the Scriptures?
Psallo and the Instrumental Music Controversy
Over the years, some of those who support the use of mechanical instruments of music have appealed to what is known as the psallo argument.
Sexual Promiscuity — A National Plague
The level of sexual sin in American culture today has reached alarming levels. Such debauchery cannot abide without widespread and long-lasting detriments. What can the Christian do?
Unity — Its Aesthetic and Practical Value
There is, perhaps, no greater exhortation to unity, anywhere in the Bible, that surpasses that of Psalm 133.
Justified by Faith
Romans 5:1-2 is a beautiful text, so filled with meaning. Unfortunately, it has been terribly misunderstood by many. Study this sacred passage with us.
A Study of Last Things
The term “last” is applied to several different things in the New Testament. There are valuable lessons for you to think about embedded in these descriptions.
The Value of Waiting on Jehovah
The Bible promises a wide array of blessings upon those who have the patience to “wait upon” the Lord. Consideration of this theme will pay rich dividends.
Principles of Bible Prophecy
The study of prophecy is one of the truly challenging, yet rewarding, areas of biblical investigation. It is also a theme that is grossly abused. In this article, we propose to examine some of the principles governing Bible prophecy.