Is God There?
When we are suffering, is God really watching over us? Does he really care?
What Is Rastafarianism? Who Was Bob Marley?
What is the religion called Rastafarianism? How was Jamaican entertainer Bob Marley connected with this movement?
Solomon’s Temple Dedication Prayer and “Repentance”
Solomon’s prayer at the time of the dedication of the Jewish Temple is a remarkable piece of literature. It contains an important discussion of the nature of genuine repentance. In an age when this is frequently misunderstood, it provides a valuable resource.
Divorce and Remarriage: White, Black, or Gray?
Every sincere child of God takes the teaching of Christ on divorce and remarriage very seriously. But it isn’t always easy to know the clear cut answer to some marriage and divorce scenarios.
The Strange Case of Julian “The Apostate”
The Roman emperor, known as Julian “the Apostate,” represents but another “glitch” on the panoramic screen of history in the futile efforts to discredit Christianity.
Why Would a Loving God Send Us to Hell?
Is the doctrine of eternal punishment in hell consistent with the idea of a good and loving God?
Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14?
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” teach that only 144, 000 people will gain heaven. They base their doctrine upon passages that are found in the book of Revelation (chapters 7 & 14). Who are the 144, 000 mentioned in these texts? Is the number literal or figurative? Study this article.
The Silence of the Scriptures: Permissive or Prohibitive?
Some allege that whatever is not expressly forbidden is allowed in religious practice. Others contend that anything not authorized is not permitted. Is there any validity to the argument from silence?
What Is Sola Scriptura?
The expression sola scriptura is a Latin term that reflects the affirmation that the “Scriptures alone” constitute the source of sacred revelation for the Christian age. A well-known Roman Catholic spokesman disputes this proposition. This article responds to his arguments.
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
America—A Nation Out of Control
Is America out of control?
A Dispute About the Purpose of Baptism
Several questions and comments have been recently received relative to some of our material dealing with the purpose of “water baptism,” as that theme is set forth in the New Testament. Accordingly, in this Feature article, we wish to address a reader’s obviously sincere concerns.
The Star of Bethlehem
Was the star of Bethlehem a natural event or a miraculous phenomenon?
Obsessive Personalities
An obsession is a persistent, compulsive preoccupation with something. It could be a person, an idea, or desire. The New Testament condemns addictive, obsessive behavior as a spiritual abnormality.
Can the Living Talk To the Dead?
Humankind has always been fascinated by the idea of talking to the dead. Necromancy is condemned in the Bible, but is speaking with the dead possible?
2 Chronicles 4:5 – The Capacity of the Laver
Unbelievers think they have discovered a discrepancy in 2 Chronicles 4:5. Yet, there is no provable error here.
Seven Important Truths About the Bible
What is it about the Bible that has made it the most influential book in the history of the world? Here are seven great truths that help answer that question.
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – Election through the Gospel
The Bible knows nothing of an arbitrary divine election separate from human responsibility.