Romans 1:27 — The Consequences of Perversion
The “due recompense” which the apostle Paul spoke of regarding sexual perversion is chillingly evident in the world today, as it was even in Old Testament times.
Growing Doubts about the Resurrection of the Dead
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible, i.e., unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are appearing increasingly—even in today’s church.
Is the Bible Obsolete?
Is the Bible obsolete since it was written so long ago and the world has changed so much?
If We Never Meet Again
In a farewell to the Ephesian elders, Paul reminded the brethren of his life and ministry among them (Acts 20:18-21). In what Paul believed to be his last opportunity to see them, he recollected former days to encourage their fidelity in the future.
The Old Paths: Obsolete or Pressing Need?
It is now urgent that courageous men and women repeat the ancient refrain, “ask for the old paths ... and walk therein ....”
Portraits of the Christ
The book of Hebrews is a marvelous treatise revealing the superiority of Christ and his New Covenant system over that of the preparatory Mosaic regime. The first chapter presents some fascinating portraits of the Lord Jesus.
The Holy Scriptures—Indestructible
The Bible has survived the vicious attacks throughout its existence and continues to be the best-selling publication in the world.
The Assault upon Mark 16:16
The denominational community has long assaulted Mark 16:16 due to the simplicity of the passage in including baptism as a preliminary condition of salvation. Now, such attacks are coming even from certain “change agents” within the body of Christ. This article highlights one such recent effort.
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
Matthew 2:19-20 – The Death of Herod the Great
The Paradox of Anxiety
Are Modern Church Buildings Digressive?
Does the use of a modern church building constitute a digression of the divine pattern? Though some so claim, the New Testament does not support this notion.
The Cyrus Decree
After the Jews had spent seventy years in Babylonian Captivity, Cyrus, king of Persia, issued a decree permitting them to return to their homeland. It was an amazing event in ancient history.
God’s Plan of Salvation for His Lost Children
How can a fallen away Christian be restored to fellowship with Christ and his church?
8 Mistaken Ideas About Baptism
Although baptism is mentioned dozens of times in the New Testament, the rite has been so grossly misunderstood in a great variety of ways.
A Faith-Building Study From Daniel 11
The eleventh chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel is an amazing testimony to the inspiration of the Bible and the wisdom of God. Join us as Jason Jackson conducts a study of this great text wherein prophecy proves inspiration and divine revelation brings hope.
Anointing with Oil – James 5:14
Should elders anoint the sick with oil in connection with their prayers?
Sexual Promiscuity — A National Plague
The level of sexual sin in American culture today has reached alarming levels. Such debauchery cannot abide without widespread and long-lasting detriments. What can the Christian do?
Was the Fruit of the Vine Fermented?
What should be the nature of the fruit of the vine used during the Lord’s supper?
May Christians Observe Holidays?
May a Christian be involved, in any way, with holidays that have pagan origins?