Numbers 14:11-12 – The Disinheritance of a Rebellious Child
After becoming a “child of God,” is it possible to lose one’s “inheritance”?
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – Election through the Gospel
The Bible knows nothing of an arbitrary divine election separate from human responsibility.
Baptism for the Dead: Revisited
Some while back we published an article reviewing the Mormon dogma of “baptism for the dead.” A distinguished professor at Stanford University disputes our argumentation. This is our response to the gentleman.
False Ideas about God
While most people (according to polls) believe in “God,” many entertain a variety of false ideas relative to the Supreme Being. This article discusses some of these views.
1 Corinthians 1:17 — Paul Not Sent to Baptize
Did the apostle Paul teach that baptism was not necessary for salvation from sins? By no means. Study this passage with us.
Hank Hanegraaff and the “Christian Research Institute”
Over the years the folks at C.R.I. (Martin, Hanegraaff, et al.) have lustily pursued debate encounters with a host of cultists. They have engaged the heretical movements in verbal and written battles time and again, and begged for additional conflicts.
The Church that Drove Jesus Out
In his letter to the church in Laodicea recorded in the book of Revelation, the Lord expresses his disgust with their current condition. What could have elicited such a response?
Is Jesus Jehovah?
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization’s denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
Jesus and Jehovah
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization’s denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
Acts 11:21,24 – “A Great Number that Believed Turned unto the Lord”
A subtle, but important, point from the Greek text helps us to distinguish several factors in the plan of salvation
Jude 1 – The Possibility of Apostasy
The book of Jude argues forcefully against the misguided notion that no child of God can ever be lost.
What Is the History of Infant Sprinkling?
When did the practice of infant sprinkling originate? Was it an apostolic practice? Or did it develop later? Let us look at the historical facts.
Scholastic Subterfuge
When the plan of salvation is so easy to understand, why do some go to such great lengths to obscure it?
The English Standard Version Study Bible – A Review
Since its release in 2001, the English Standard Version of the Bible has gained popularity. We reviewed the ESV several years back and gave it commendation. Last year the ESV Study Bible appeared. While the study tools frequently are helpful, there are numerous danger spots characterized by doctrinal error. Those using this edition should be informed.
Living in Terror
A sincere lady lives in terror because she fears that she is lost and cannot find peace of mind.
Translating Bapto
Why do most modern translations use the word baptize, an anglicized Greek word, rather than translating the Greek word into English?
The Meanings of “Righteous”
This article explores the use of the word “righteous” in Scripture.
Too Late for Tears
The Hebrews writer appeals to the profane attitude of Esau in order to teach us something about the nature of irreversible consequences. If we treat lightly the promises of God and forfeit the Christian inheritance, it will be too late for tears come judgment.
The Significance of the Day of Pentecost
1 Peter 1:1-2 – Foreknowledge
When 1 Peter 1:1, 2 is seen in concert with related biblical material, the doctrine of election is removed from the confusing fog of sectarian dogma.