Never Man So Spoke
What made Jesus the greatest teacher of all time?
Proverbs 6:17 – Hands that Shed Innocent Blood
This proverb has a modern-day application to the practice of abortion.
Was Jesus Created First?
In his letter to the Colossians, Paul refers to Christ as “the firstborn of all creation.” Does this phrase suggest that Jesus was a “created” being? The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” so allege, but what is the truth of the matter? Study this intriguing question with us.
Why People Quit Church
Why do people say they have decided to quit the church?
Zopyrus the Persian: A Study in Commitment
How dedicated are you to the cause of Christ?
Is Morality Essential to Leadership?
A survey out of Washington, D.C. requests that ministers answer this question: “Can an individual serve in leadership who lacks moral authority?”
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is the title of a documentary movie that premiers across the nation on Friday, April 18. We encourage our readers to see this presentation.
Who Is Lucifer?
Have you ever heard the devil referred to as “Lucifer”? What does this mean and where did this idea come from?
Jeremiah 7:31 – Does “Silence” Prohibit?
Many claim that if the Bible does not explicitly prohibit a practice, then man is left to innovate his own religious system. But what does the Lord say about those who practice such things that he “commanded not”?
Matthew 19:24 – The Rich and Heaven
Can the wealthy obtain Heaven?
Questions About Missions
Jason Jackson explores some guidelines for fulfilling our responsibility to preach the Word abroad.
Matthew 25:41 – “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and Hell
“Jehovah’s Witnesses” contend that the term “Hell,” as used in the Bible, is a “symbol of annihilation or everlasting death in unconsciousness” from which there is to be no awakening (Make Sure of All Things, p. 155). Does this represent the truth of biblical teaching regarding Hell?
2 Samuel 7:12 – The Kingdom Established While David Slept
Samuel’s prophecy concerning the coming kingdom of Christ discredits the theory of premillennialism.
The Tomb Was Found Empty
They desperately try; but no skeptic has been able to rationally explain that empty tomb in Jerusalem.
Teaching Kids to Cheat
Jerry Plecki was a high school teacher in the Chicago area. Five years ago he was the centerpiece of a scandal that rocked the Chicago public school system. This past week, his story was featured in a made-for-TV movie, “Cheaters.”
Did All Christians in the First Century Possess Miraculous Gifts?
Did every Christian in the first century receive the gift of performing miracles?
Pastor Bob and the Holy Spirit
We receive a wide variety of mail each day. A recent communication from one who characterizes himself as “Pastor Bobby,” recounts his association with the “Holy Spirit” in his preaching endeavors. His claim should be of interest to our readers.
Ignore this Lesson and You’re History!
It is unfortunate that so many think they can trifle with the Creator of the Universe and not be held accountable. What a tragic mistake this is.
Did Christ Undermine His Own Credibility?
Jesus once said: “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true” (John 5:31). What did the Lord mean by this puzzling statement? Certainly not what some critics allege.
If “Tongues” Have Ceased, Why Hasn’t “Knowledge”?
A critic, who believes that “speaking in tongues” is a gift available in this age, believes he has detected a flaw in our position that the gift of tongues was restricted to the first century. Based upon his view of 1 Corinthians 13:8ff, he argues that if “tongues” are obsolete, then “knowledge” should be as well. Since we still have knowledge, it is claimed, tongues remain as well. Here is our response to the gentleman’s objection.