The Growing Trend of Performance Worship
Does the Bible specifically address the issue of the growing practice of “worship-drama”?
A New Torah: “Tree of Death”
A new version of the Old Testament Torah has been released recently. Accompanying commentary notes professes to purge the Old Testament record of certain historical inaccuracies. It is not a faithful commentary on the Law; it is a commentary upon the current state of Judaism.
The Growing Phenomenon of Home Education
There is an exploding educational phenomenon in America. It is the accelerating practice of homeschooling. Some charge that homeschooled kids suffer from inadequate socialization. A new study disputes this allegation.
Understanding the Sense of Bible Words
Words can take on different senses depending upon the context in which they are found.
When the Son of Man Comes
Are you ready? Are you a sheep or a goat? The Judgment Day is certain, and only through the teaching of Scripture can we prepare for it. The Lord’s teaching of Matthew 25:31-46 must be considered in view of the inevitable Day of the Lord.
Tutoring in the Shadow of Darwin
This article reviews the recent scholarship prize award by John N. Clayton.
What Was the Gift of Tongues?
Does 1 Corinthians 14:2 indicate that the “tongue” was a mysterious, spiritual utterance, known only to God, rather than a human language?
The Awesome Responsibility of Church Leadership
Church leaders bear a most serious responsibility before God. Unfortunately, some professing Christians take advantage of good leaders and “church hop” from place to place to avoid faithful oversight.
The Separation of Paul and Barnabas
The seemingly tragic separation of Paul and Barnabas is well known to serious Bible students. What was the cause of this breach of work-association? Who was to blame? What might the Christian learn from this episode? Study this case with us.
The Responsibility of the Bible Teacher
The church is facing a crisis in the early days of this new millennium. There is a drastic shortage of qualified Bible class teachers. Church leaders need to train new teachers, and those already in that capacity need to take their jobs seriously.
The Current Fad of Male Bashing
We will not have happy work places, contented homes, and fruitful congregations until men and women learn to respect one another.
Modern Psychology and the Bible
Exactly what is “psychology” and how does this area of interest relate to the Bible?
A Bible-Believing People
Your attitude toward the Scriptures determines how God’s Word will influence your life.
Holocaust: Why Did It Happen?, The
Civilized men lament the Holocaust (1933-45) as one of the darkest eras of modern history. There is, however, almost a conspiracy of historical silence—few journalists care to reflect upon just why Hitler and his associates perpetrated that infamous evil.
How Many People Died in Noah’s Flood?
Is there any way to know how many people were on the earth at the time of the Great Flood of Genesis?
A Skeptic Reflects upon Jesus Christ
This article discusses author Lee Stroble’s interview with skeptic, Charles Templeton.
The Song Police
Some songs certainly are unscriptural. But we should be sure that we do not irrationally object to songs based on our own misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
National Security — The Real Solution
How can we secure the future of our nation? What is the solution to homeland security?
The Jesus Seminar Strikes Again
The Jesus Seminar is a panel of liberal theologians who have commissioned themselves for a cut-and-paste job on the text of the New Testament.
What About Jephthah’s Vow?
What about Jephthah’s vow, as mentioned in the book of Judges? Did he sacrifice his daughter? Or did he commit her to a life of service as a virgin? Good scholars have disagreed on this issue. What are the arguments, pro and con?