Should Christians Pray for the Forgiveness of Their Sins?
This article discusses whether or not the Christian is required to pray for the forgiveness of his sins.
A Tough Journalist Looks at the Case for Christ
Lee Strobel became convinced that the evidence for the identity of Jesus as the Son of God is rock solid. His book is the record of his intriguing journey from atheist to believer.
What Was the “Manna” in the Wilderness of Sinai?
What was the “manna” that the Israelites ate during their sojourn in the wilderness of Sinai? Some claim that it was merely a substance extracted off of a tree in that region. But what does the evidence reveal?
Does John 6:37 Teach Calvinist “Predestination”?
It is commonly alleged that Jesus, in John 6:37, endorsed the idea of “predestination” as popularized by John Calvin in the 16th century. Did he? Study this question with us.
Barking at an Empty Log: Atheism & Millennialism
Do the absence of certain “millennial events” disprove the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible. Not in the least. They do, however, disprove popular millennial theories.
Did Matthew Blunder?
Matthew, in appealing to a prophecy, seems to attribute it to Jeremiah, whereas the Old Testament has it in the book of Zechariah. Critics, in characteristic fashion, have charged Matthew with an error.
What Is Meant by “the Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect”?
What is the meaning of that phrase in the book of Hebrews, “the spirits of just men made perfect”? In order to understand the expression, the surrounding context must be examined. This study does that.
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.
The Emerging Church Movement—The New Face of Heresy
Is the Genesis Creation Account Poetry?
Some suggest that Genesis 1 and 2 are not literal accounts of actual history. Instead, much of the narrative is poetic, with elements of history embedded. But what does the evidence show?
Are Science and Faith Compatible?
Has the god of “Star Wars” replaced the God of the Bible in the minds of many?
Did Jesus Exclude Repentance from Forgiveness?
Why do some Bible verses seem to indicate some people were forgiven without repentance?
Is the Bible Historically Accurate?
Is the Bible a historically dependable book? If not, why should one trust it in redemptive matters? The fact is, however, the Scriptures have been demonstrated to be trustworthy in countless details. This week’s Question/Answer briefly addresses this issue.
Radical Criticism and “Christian” Education
What is “radical criticism” and how has this philosophy affected “Christian” colleges and universities? This theme is addressed in this week’s Penpoints.
The Lord Is My Rock
The word “rock” is a common biblical metaphor. It illustrates many great truths about God. This article briefly surveys this topic.
Wise Counsel About Friends from Proverbs
When is a friend a real “friend”? Solomon offers several spiritual values of a good friend.
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
Does the Bible Refer to UFOs?
Does the Bible talk about UFOs? What is the meaning of Ezekiel’s prophecy of a “wheel within a wheel”? Had the prophet seen a flying ship from outer space?
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Was there ever a time when men and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time? What does the evidence indicate?