The Belly Button Argument
A gentleman recently attempted to negate the divine proclamation that God made heaven and earth, and everything therein, in six days (Exodus 20:11). His argument can best be characterized as “belly button” logic. We here review it briefly.
Why Was Cain’s Sacrifice Rejected?
“Did God reject Cain’s sacrifice simply because he did not ‘give his best’ or was it because it was not a blood sacrifice like Abel’s? Did God require an animal sacrifice (blood sacrifice) on this occasion?”
Ants: God’s Amazing Creatures
Ants are amazing little creatures. In many ways they exhibit “design,” hence argue for a Creator who designed them for their various functions.
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison
What is the meaning in 1 Peter 3:18 where the Bible says that Jesus preached the gospel to spirits in prison?
The Silence of the Scriptures: Permissive or Prohibitive?
Some allege that whatever is not expressly forbidden is allowed in religious practice. Others contend that anything not authorized is not permitted. Is there any validity to the argument from silence?
A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers
Influenced by society, many are looking for New Testament authority for expanding the role of women in the body of Christ.
Paul’s Condemnation of Will-Worship
What is “will-worship”? Why did Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, condemn it? Study carefully this article.
Principles of Bible Prophecy
The study of prophecy is one of the truly challenging, yet rewarding, areas of biblical investigation. It is also a theme that is grossly abused. In this article, we propose to examine some of the principles governing Bible prophecy.
The Authorized Elements of Church Music
Jesus declared that “worship” must be consistent with revealed “truth” (John 4:24), namely God’s word (John 17:17). This includes the musical engagement of the church.
Richard Dawkins: God Hater
Richard Dawkins’s book, The God Delusion, received laudatory praise from the press for his diatribe against religion. Does his arguments against faith in God hold merit? Wayne Jackson responds.
A Character Portrait of Moses
Moses, the man of God, was truly a remarkable person. His character was exemplary in a number of ways. And nowhere has that portrait been captured in such a condensed package as in Hebrews 11:24-27. Study this text carefully and be encouraged thereby.
Lessons from the Ark of the Covenant
The mysterious Ark of the Covenant disappeared from human history but still teaches valuable lessons.
Was the Siege at Jerusalem in A.D. 70 the Worst in World History?
Was the siege at Jerusalem in A.D. 70 the worst in world history?
When Freedom Becomes a License for Evil
America is the land of the “free.” But “free” to do what? Anything one wishes, irrespective of the harm to others? This is a probing question that many seem to have forgotten.
Killers Killing Killers
Murder is always a despicable act.
Simon, Simon
The complex life of the apostle Peter contains many valuable lessons for the child of God.
The Necessity and Reality of a Sinless Savior
Was Jesus absolutely sinless? What does the evidence actually reveal? If he was sinless, was this necessary in the divine scheme of things? If so, why?
The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
On Sunday, before his crucifixion on Friday, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. The crowds worshipped him. What was the significance of the momentous event? Study this episode with us; it is rich with precious truths.
The Burial of Christ’s Body
Why was Christ’s burial important in the scheme of redemption?
Times That Try Our Souls
Division “contrary to the doctrine” of Christ is wrong (Romans 16:17); but division, consistent with the Lord’s teaching, is not. Let faithful men and women work for a church that is united—but united upon the basis of biblical truth, not sectarian compromise (John 17:17).