Please Explain 1 Peter 3:21
Does baptism come before or after the salvation contemplated in 1 Peter 3:21?
Should the Ten Commandments Be Posted?
Why do some want the Ten Commandments posted in public places, when the New Testament teaches that the law was a ministration of death?
Have You Been Called by God?
Many speak of being “called” by God. From the biblical perspective, how is this accomplished? In this week’s Question and Answer session, Jason Jackson addresses this inquiry.
Why Do Some Theologians Reject Biblical Inerrancy?
The notion that the Scriptures are inspired of God yet contain errors in matters pertaining to history, geography, and nature is absurd.
LORD and Lord: What’s the Difference?
Why does the title “lord” appear in two formats in the Old Testament, i.e., LORD and Lord?
What About the Terms “Godhead” And “Trinity”?
What about the terms “Godhead” and “Trinity”? Is it appropriate to use these words? Do they represent biblical ideas? Study this issue with us in this week’s Q&A session.
1 Thessalonians 4 – Hope in Christ
Study with us three important points from this passage.
What Is the Purpose of Bible Genealogies?
Why are all those lists of names in the Bible?
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword – Part 2
The Lord expects his disciples to demonstrate a loving disposition, while, at the same time, defending the truth vigorously. All of us to some extent, have made errors in both of these areas. And sometimes, we do more harm than good when attempting to defend truth with incorrect reasoning. This is part two in a three-part series, “Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword.”
How to Read the Book: Nine Rules for Effective Bible Reading
The Bible is not an ordinary book. It is the only revelation of God’s nature and will; it alone is “profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteous” (2 Timothy 3:16). It can make us wise unto salvation, and the word is able to save our souls (2 Timothy 3:15; James 1:21). In this article, Jason Jackson discusses the importance of reading God’s word, and he offers some proven methods to boost your Bible reading.
Conversions in Acts
There is much confusion in the community of “Christendom” as to what constitutes “conversion.” There need not be. A collective consideration of those cases in the book of Acts wonderfully clarifies the matter. Study this theme with us.
The Holy Spirit and Jesus
The Holy Spirit was an active participant in the ministry of Christ.
Patricia Ireland on the Teaching of Jesus
During a recent television interview, in a desperate attempt to suggest that true Christian teaching is not adverse to homosexuality, Patricia Ireland argued that Jesus “never mentioned homosexuality.” The implication clearly was that Christ would have condemned this lifestyle explicitly, had he disapproved of it.
The Current Perversion of John 8:1-11
“He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” If there is one verse most folks have memorized, it is this one. But what does it really mean?
The Things God Has Prepared
In 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul speaks of those “things” which God has prepared for them who love him. Let us contemplate this thrilling context and some of the truths it teaches.
Is Christian Worship Regulated by New Testament Law?
A gentleman affiliated with the Independent Christian Church has argued that Christian worship is not regulated by New Testament law? Does this theory have the support of Scripture?
DISgrace Institute: A Religious Disconnect
When it comes to religion, some folks have a real “disconnect.” By that I mean they are strong in arguing for a particular doctrinal platform, but they see no relationship between their theological peculiarities and their conduct of life.
Benevolent Work in the Mission Field
It is a wonderful thing when Christians rush to the assistance of others during times of disaster. But do we always think clearly about the way we implement these efforts? A word of caution surely is in order. One aspect of this issue is addressed in this week’s Penpoints column.
What Does Isaiah Mean When He Says the Wolf Will Lie Down With the Lamb?
Will wolves literally lie down with lambs? What does Isaiah’s prophecies mean?
Was Jesus Immersed in the Jordan River?
Was Jesus Christ “immersed” in the Jordan River, or did John merely pour water upon the Lord’s head? Some scholars have attempted to argue that the case for Jesus’ “immersion” cannot be proved. But what does the evidence actually reveal?