The Little Horn of Daniel’s Sea-beast
Exactly who, or what, was this infamous “little horn”?
The Strange Case of Julian “The Apostate”
The Roman emperor, known as Julian “the Apostate,” represents but another “glitch” on the panoramic screen of history in the futile efforts to discredit Christianity.
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
When Was the Book of Revelation Written?
When was the book of Revelation written?
The Tower of Babel: Legend or History?
The book of Genesis is a narrative dealing with “beginnings,” as the title of the document indicates. One of the beginnings in Genesis is the record of how human beings came to speak different languages.
Brevity – A Confirming Evidence of Bible Inspiration
One of the astounding evidences which points to the divine origin of the Scriptures is the “brevity” of the records. In this article we study a case of this nature.
Penetrating Questions from the Book of Job
The Book of Job is one of the most magnificent documents of literary history. This treatise may be studied from several vantage points. One of these is to examine some of the penetrating questions that are posed in the book. In this month’s Feature, Wayne Jackson explores some of these queries.
The Authenticity of the New Testament Documents
Are the twenty-seven books of the New Testament genuine history, or merely the reflections of ancient mythology?
Uniqueness of the Biblical Creation Record, The
The ridiculous creation fables of mankind only serve to emphasize the genuineness of the Genesis account of the beginning.
The Birthplace of Jesus: Bethlehem or Jerusalem?
Was Jesus born in Bethlem or Jerusalem? The Bible teaches it was Bethlehem. The Book of Mormon alleges it was in “the land of Jerusalem.” Examine the evidence for yourself.
The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
On Sunday, before his crucifixion on Friday, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. The crowds worshipped him. What was the significance of the momentous event? Study this episode with us; it is rich with precious truths.
The Miraculous and the Origin of Christianity
There is a vast contrast between the events associated with the beginning of Christianity, and the origins of other world religions. This brief article takes note of a major contrast between the religion founded by Christ and other systems of world religion.
Paul’s Instruction to the Saints of Crete
Paul’s admonishment of the Cretan Chrisitans, through Titus, provides a marvelous synopsis of the redemption process.
The Sea of Galilee: A Silent Witness
Why does the sea of Galilee’s reputation far exceed its material qualities?
Some Character Traits of Paul, the Apostle
Paul, the apostle of Christ, was one of the most influential men of earth’s history. Reflect upon this remarkable man with us in this brief study.
Facts About the Second Coming of Christ
One of the most dominant themes in the New Testament is the second coming of Christ. Over the centuries, numerous false ideas have confused many regarding earth’s final event. Here are some facts about our Lord’s return...
What Is the History of Infant Sprinkling?
When did the practice of infant sprinkling originate? Was it an apostolic practice? Or did it develop later? Let us look at the historical facts.
A Brief Study of the Word “Kingdom”
Biblical words may have varying senses, depending upon the context in which they are found. A brief study of the term “kingdom” is a good illustration of this principle.
Isn’t Christ the Author of “Our” Faith?
Is “faith” a gift of God that is bestowed independent of man’s freedom of choice? In a recent article we argued that such is not the case. In view of our dispute of the Calvinistic position, a courteous critic asks for an explanation of Hebrews 12:2, and the divine affirmation that Jesus is the “Author” of “our faith.”
Did Christ Abolish the Law of Moses?
Did Jesus say that the law of Moses including Sabbath observance would last until the end of the world?