The Great Commission According to Matthew
One of the last instructions Christ gave to his apostles was to go make disciples of all the nations. In this article, we review the account of this solemn command as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20.
Did Jesus Confess that His Claims Were Untrue?
The charge is sometimes made that even Jesus confessed that his claim of being divine was not reliable. John 5:31 is appealed to in this regard. What is the meaning of that statement?
Ephesians 1:4 – Predestination
Does this passage teach that our salvation is strictly a matter of God’s arbitrary election before the world was made, irrespective of any choice that we might exercise in the matter?
Is the Bible Creation Account a Myth?
Is the common claim that Genesis 1 is merely an ancient myth accurate?
Mark 11:20 – Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
Does Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree in Mark 11 reveal a “dark side” to the Savior? Not at all. Wayne Jackson explains this curious passage.
Jesus’ Sayings on Sin
Christ taught much about sin, and we would profit from a humble reflection on some of the sayings of Jesus about sin.
A brief survey on worship as taught in the Bible.
Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.
What’s Wrong with the Promise Keepers Movement?
A group of men organized to form a plan to rejuvenate “Christian” men with a new spiritual emphasis. Everything came together eventually, and in 1993, Promise Keepers was born. But what’s wrong with the Promise Keepers movement?
I Want What You Have
The Christian has what everyone is trying so hard to obtain. So what does the Christian have? A study of Romans 5:1-9 reveals the wonderful blessings everyone needs.
Acts 2:21 — Calling on the Lord’s Name
All who wish to enjoy the remission of past sins will call on the name of the Lord by obeying the gospel plan of redemption. In no other way can one receive pardon.
How to Go to Heaven — Sincere, but Wrong
A kindly friend comes calling with a tract on “How To Have a Home In Heaven.” Unquestionably they are sincere. But is sincerity a valid substitute for truth? Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
Reflections on the Pope
Is the New Testament information regarding Peter consistent with the image of the pope? Do the Scriptures teach that the church of Jesus Christ was founded upon the apostle Peter?
Islam and the Enemy
It has been charged that both Christianity and Islam are religions of violence. In this article, the teachings of these two systems, regarding how to treat one’s enemies, are laid side by side.
Are We Under Law or Grace?
A significant group of misguided souls alleges that the “grace” of Jesus Christ has dispensed with the need for “law.” This “antinomian” ideology is designed to throw the mantle of fellowship around those who have not obeyed the Lord in the process of becoming a Christian. The adversarial conflict that some see between “grace” and “law” is false.
God as a Father
The Bible refers to God as a “Father” in several different senses. Many sincere people are confused about this. One may believe that he is a “child of God”; and he is in one sense, but may not be in another—the most important. It is crucial that we understand this issue.
Was Peter the “Rock”?
In an article published sometime back, we denied that Peter was the “rock” upon which Christ built his church, as alleged by Roman Catholicism. A kindly critic objects to this position. Wayne Jackson discusses the matter further.
Do the Psalms Authorize Instrumental Music in Worship?
May one contend that while the “law” was abolished by the death of Christ, nonetheless, the Psalms remain; and the Psalms provide authority for worshipping God with instruments of music?
Alfred Edersheim on Ancient Society
This editorial discusses the comments of the Jewish scholar, Alfred Edersheim, on the moral character of first-century Roman society.
The Sinner’s Prayer — Is It Biblical?
Ministers frequently tell lost people that they need to “pray the sinner’s prayer.” Exactly what is this “sinner’s prayer”? Is this prayer biblically based? If not, what is its origin?