Lord, Teach Us How To Pray
The prayers of Jesus teach us in so many ways. Not only can we learn from what Jesus prayed, but we learn from when, why, and how he prayed. Let us survey some interesting facts about the prayers of Jesus and allow the Lord to deepen our capacity for prayer with the Father.
Is the Gospel of Judas True?
The National Geographic Society has once more attempted to capitalize upon the name of Jesus Christ by a promotion of the so-called “Gospel of Judas” in recent interviews, publications, etc. This controversy is much ado over nothing. In this article, Australian Christian scholar, Gary Young (Ph.D. in Roman history), puts this issue into its proper historical framework.
Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.
RU-486: Murder by Mouth
This editorial discusses the new abortion pill, RU-486.
The Common Propaganda Regarding “Cave Men”
This essay discusses the common view that ancient “cave people” were “semi-human” brutes.
The Growing Phenomenon of Home Education
There is an exploding educational phenomenon in America. It is the accelerating practice of homeschooling. Some charge that homeschooled kids suffer from inadequate socialization. A new study disputes this allegation.
Are the New Testament Books Historically Credible?
While uninformed modern critics continue to question the credibility of the New Testament documents, the evidence continues to pile up which establishes their genuineness.
Who Are the Pure in Heart?
What is the meaning of the expression “pure in heart,” in Christ’s promise that the “pure in heart” shall see God? Does this mean that sincerity alone is sufficient to finally obtain heaven?
Harold Kushner’s Messiah
When Harold Kushner wrote a book for children with religious questions, he de-personalized the “Messiah” of the Old Testament. Without any justification whatever, he simply re-wrote history. Such is the epitome of arrogance.
Miracles in the Book of Acts
When we think about miracles in the New Testament, we often consider the miracles of Christ in the Gospel accounts. There are, however, many miracles recorded in the book of Acts. A survey of these miraculous works is worthy of our reflection.
Three Precious Lessons from the Book of Ruth
The story of Ruth ... and three precious lessons from this memorable book from the Old Testament.
Our Amazing Zip Code System
With every advancement in our understanding of life, especially our own bodies, the fingerprint of an all-powerful, all-wise Creator is even more clearly seen.
The Jesus Movie
Everyone understands that whenever Hollywood does a movie about some historical character, a good measure of literary license is taken.
How Ought We to Behave? A Response to Socrates
How amazing it is that the deep and manifold longings of the antique pagan world were so wonderfully satisfied in the advent of God’s Messiah.
What Is Lasciviousness?
In a number of places in the New Testament, the sin of lasciviousness is strongly condemned. Exactly what lasciviousness?
A Valuable Reference Work to Enhance Your Library
The Philanthropic Nature of Christianity
The arrival of Christianity provided refreshing encouragement of love-of-fellowman to a time that was marked by the lack of philanthropy.
Book Review: Spicq’s Theological Lexicon of the New Testament
Books are a minister’s treasure. Here’s a review of a magnificent three-volume set, Spicq’s Theological Lexicon of the New Testament. We recommend this work very highly.
Language Keys that Unlocked the Past
Archaeology, time and time again, has confirmed the accuracy and reliability of the Bible as a historical document.
B.C. Comic: Free Speech or Hate Speech?
When does one’s expressions of belief become “politically incorrect”? Cartoonist, Johnny Hart, had to answer this question when his recent “B.C.” “Easter” comic strip portrayed an extinguished menorah turning into a cross.