Mary’s First Communion
What did Mary meditate on during communion?
Did the Law of Moses Continue until A.D. 70?
Did the law of Moses continue to be binding upon non-Christian Jews up until the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70? While some, who designate themselves as “realized eschatologists” so contend, there is no biblical support for this bizarre theory.
Jehovah’s Righteous Branch
The prophets herald the coming of one who is designated as Jehovah’s “Branch.” Jeremiah’s emphasis of this theme is particularly compelling. Study this subject with us.
How Can I Be a Better Bible Student?
People frequently want to know how to be better students of God’s word. In this article, Wayne Jackson provides some very practical suggestions.
Do Psychics Really Have Mystic Powers?
So-called “psychics” claim to have mystical powers, such as predicting what will eventually occur in one’s future. Do they really?
Solomon’s Temple Dedication Prayer and “Repentance”
Solomon’s prayer at the time of the dedication of the Jewish Temple is a remarkable piece of literature. It contains an important discussion of the nature of genuine repentance. In an age when this is frequently misunderstood, it provides a valuable resource.
A Highly Recommended New Book
Read this review of an important new book that is a virtual library of information on Christian evidences.
The Woolly Mammoth and the Ice Age
What do frozen mammoths actually reveal about the ancient earth?
What Is Meant by “the Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect”?
What is the meaning of that phrase in the book of Hebrews, “the spirits of just men made perfect”? In order to understand the expression, the surrounding context must be examined. This study does that.
Ron Wyatt, the “Indiana Jones” of the SDA Church
Prior to his death in 1999, Ron Wyatt frequently made tabloid news with his sensational claims of astounding archaeological discoveries. But what is the real story behind such boasts — still made by some of his disciples?
The Amazing Unity of Scripture
The literary unity of the Bible is evidence of Divine inspiration.
Prince of Egypt — The Movie
In mid-December the movie, Prince of Egypt, opened in theaters across the country. Because it differs so widely from the usual movie fare of sex and violence, this production is receiving high acclaim—even from religious figures like Billy Graham, James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and others.
The Devastating Effects of Divorce
The marriage principles found in the Bible have a purpose; they are designed for our benefit.
The Remarkable Robert Dick Wilson
We are grateful for Robert Dick Wilson’s masterful work confirming the credibility of the Old Testament.
New Video Promotes Homosexual Agenda
A new video, designed to promote the gay-lesbian agenda, was shown at the White House in mid-December.
Electronic Church
There are Bible commands and principles that obligate us to “come together” when we are able to do so, and no “flip of a switch” can satisfy those demands upon able-bodied people.
The Jesus Ossuary Inscription
Today, archaeology scholars have stunned the world by an announcement that an inscription, possibly bearing the name of Jesus Christ, has been found on a stone bone-burial box in Israel. If the find proves to be authentic, it will provide further striking evidence of the historicity of the existence of Jesus.
Radical Criticism and “Christian” Education
What is “radical criticism” and how has this philosophy affected “Christian” colleges and universities? This theme is addressed in this week’s Penpoints.
What about those Gadarene Hogs?
Bible critics charge Jesus with an unethical act when he gave permission for some demons to enter a herd of swine. A closer look, however, reveals that the accusation is baseless.
The Ravaging of the Earth
There is great concern about the growing depletion of earth’s natural resources. Many, however, do not realize who has contributed significantly to this problem. Read this article and identify the culprits.