How Is God To Be “Known”?
Can God be known from nature? Or are the Scriptures required for a fuller knowledge of the Creator? This article explores these questions.
What Are the Unicorns and Satyrs Mentioned in the Bible?
Bible critics have charged the sacred book with mistakes in that the King James Version mentions both “unicorns” and “satyrs” — both of which are mythical creatures. How does the student of the Scriptures respond to this alleged difficulty?
Reasoning from the Visible to the Invisible
Can one know that God exists? Can he know that he has been saved? If so, how? “Reason” with us on this important topic.
Did Paul Sanction Social Drinking?
Why did Paul instruct Timothy to use wine with his water. Does this sanction the social consumption of modern beverage alcohol?
Pastor Bob and the Holy Spirit
We receive a wide variety of mail each day. A recent communication from one who characterizes himself as “Pastor Bobby,” recounts his association with the “Holy Spirit” in his preaching endeavors. His claim should be of interest to our readers.
Ignore this Lesson and You’re History!
It is unfortunate that so many think they can trifle with the Creator of the Universe and not be held accountable. What a tragic mistake this is.
More Evolutionary Nonsense
Advocates of Darwinian evolution seem constantly to be eclipsing themselves in the absurdity of the arguments employed in defense of the baseless ideology. Below is an analysis of one of the most recent.
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
Feigned Miracles and Gullible People
A sixteen-year-old girl in a remote region of India was about to be buried; suddenly, she sat up. According to the report, the young lady testified that she had been dead, but the Lord “sent her back” to tell her neighbors about “the real God.”
Growing Doubts about the Resurrection of the Dead
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible, i.e., unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are appearing increasingly—even in today’s church.
The Continuing Search for Man’s “Fossil” Ancestor
When you read of another new discovery relative to man’s “apeish” ancestors, file it away; within a few months or years, the story will be different!
Patricia Ireland on the Teaching of Jesus
During a recent television interview, in a desperate attempt to suggest that true Christian teaching is not adverse to homosexuality, Patricia Ireland argued that Jesus “never mentioned homosexuality.” The implication clearly was that Christ would have condemned this lifestyle explicitly, had he disapproved of it.
Paul’s Experience on the Damascus Road
Recently we argued that God does not speak directly to people today; rather, he communicates his saving will through the Scriptures. A kind reader thinks that Paul’s experience on the Damascus road negates our conclusion. Jason Jackson responds.
Those Bogus “Jesus Bones”
News sources are filled with sensational reports that the “bones of Jesus” have been discovered in Jerusalem. This is but another tale for the illusional. Read about it.
Was Jehoshaphat King of Israel?
An explanation for an alleged contradiction concerning King Jehoshaphat
John 4:7 — Christ’s Love and Tradition
In the course of Jesus’ exchange with the woman at the well, Jesus actually violated three cultural traditions of His day. In so doing, however, the Lord demonstrated the encompassing interest of Heaven in lost humanity.
1 Timothy 4:14 – Timothy’s Gift and the Elders
Exactly how did Timothy receive spiritual gifts? Study this misunderstood passage with us.
Gog and Magog — What Is the Meaning of Revelation 20:8?
Who is this “Gog and Magog” that threatens God’s people in Revelation 20:8?
Christianity Today Editor Just Doesn’t Understand
An associate editor of has severely criticized the teaching methods of Jesus. In doing so, he has reflected upon himself far more than he has the Lord.
The Book of Psalms—A Study
Some background information regarding the Psalms will help the Bible student as he considers the grand truths of this Old Testament document.