2 Thessalonians 1:9 – Everlasting Destruction
The “destruction” of 2 Thessalonians 1:9 is not equivalent to “extinction.”
Will Our Children Trust in the Lord?
“Trust the Lord” is a message that must be communicated to our children. They must learn to follow the Lord’s way. God’s way will always be the right way and the best way to live.
Was Ahab Pro-Choice?
We must plead the cause of the innocent. We must defend the sanctity of human life. For justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream (Amos 5:24).
LaGard Smith’s New Book: ‘After Life’
LaGard Smith is a “scholar in residence” at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. This lawyer/author has recently created a mild sensation with the publication of his latest book, After Life. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a brief review of Smith’s book.
1 Corinthians 1:17 — Paul Not Sent to Baptize
Did the apostle Paul teach that baptism was not necessary for salvation from sins? By no means. Study this passage with us.
The Truth on Baptism Should Not Be “Watered Down”
Baptism is a controversial subject in the religious world. How should it be performed? Who is a proper candidate for baptism? What is the purpose of baptism? Conflicting answers abound. Throw in a mix of emotions, and it seems even more confusing. Jason Jackson responds to a sincere reader and looks at the New Testament in order to clearly define this important topic that gets “watered down” by so many religious leaders.
Didn’t Paul Command, “Forbid not to speak in tongues”?
What is the meaning of Paul’s command, “Forbid not to Speak in tongues” (1 Cor. 14:39)? Does this imply that the gift of tongues was to continue to the end of time?
Why Does Romans 10:9-10 Not Mention Baptism?
A sincere student wants to know how one can read Romans 10:9-10, which mentions only faith and confession, and then contend that baptism is essential to salvation. Wayne Jackson discusses the “analogy of faith” principle.
1 Peter 3:4 — The Incorruptible Spirit
The Scriptures teach that human beings have a spirit/soul that is capable of suffering everlasting punishment.
Does Exodus 21 Sanction Abortion?
It is sometimes claimed that Exodus 21:22-23 provides evidence that a fetus is not entitled to the same legal protection as the mother, and, therefore, is not treated as an equal “person.” Is this an accurate exegesis of the text?
Will a Properly Trained Child Never Go Wrong?
If a child is trained correctly, can he ever go wrong? What is the “rod” of correction?
What Is the Fruit of Repentance?
What is repentance? Is it just being sorry for sin? Or is something more required?
New Archaeological Discovery—The “Temech” Seal
A few days ago news sources announced the discovery of a stone seal from the rubble of Jerusalem that relates to a family name in ancient Jerusalem. Read about this fascinating “find.”
Will Everyone Go to Heaven?
The idea that all people will be saved appears to be gaining momentum. But the fact is, this dogma has no basis in Scripture and logically it is irrational.
The Origin of Christianity
The impact and influence of primitive Christianity must be explained in its supernatural origin.
The Marvelous Book of Jeremiah
The book of Jeremiah is one of the longest books of the Old Testament. It is also one of the most thrilling. In this article, we wish to give the reader an “Introduction” to this remarkable sacred narrative.
Jonah: A “Fish Story” or History?
Is the Old Testament account of Jonah a myth or a credible recording of actual events? Some point to alleged inaccuracies to claim the account is a fable.
Why Did the Resurrected Jesus Not Appear to His Enemies?
Why did Jesus appear only to his disciples following his resurrection? Would not an appearance to the Jewish or Roman authorities have been more effective?
A Rebellion in Heaven
Is there biblical evidence that there once was a rebellion among angels in heaven?
The Wages of Sin and the Free Gift of God
An in-depth study of two contrasting ideas: what we’ve earned through sin and the free gift God has offered to humanity.