Does the Case of David and Bathsheba Justify Adultery Today?
The Old Testament account of David and Bathsheba’s scandalous affair is a sad episode in history. Does their conduct serve as a precedent, justifying adulterous relationships today? Some appeal to it to that end. Wayne
Jackson addresses this issue in this month’s Feature.
Does 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Constitute a Binding Pattern?
Some attempt to argue that Christians are not commanded to give a weekly contribution based on 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.
A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers
Influenced by society, many are looking for New Testament authority for expanding the role of women in the body of Christ.
Modern Psychology and the Bible
Exactly what is “psychology” and how does this area of interest relate to the Bible?
The Divine Benefits Package — A Study of Psalm 103
Human beings generally are concerned about the benefits package associated with their employment. God’s “benefits package” is marvelous beyond description, as Psalm 103 reveals. This study considers the marvelous benefits bestowed upon the children of God.
A History of the Baptism Apostasy
The doctrine of baptism, as set forth in the New Testament, is scarcely recognizable in the modern world of “Christendom.” How did this strange and unwarranted change come about? Study this issue with us.
The Incredible Accuracy of the Bible: An Argument for Inspiration
Human writers often make careless errors, however, the Bible does not. The precision of God’s word is evidence of its divine origin.
Are Science and Faith Compatible?
Has the god of “Star Wars” replaced the God of the Bible in the minds of many?
Who Was John the Baptist?
Who was John the Baptist? What was his relationship to Jesus?
The Jesus Seminar – Part 1
A response to the Jesus Seminar propaganda, as featured by Peter Jennings on ABC’s special, In Search of Jesus
Why Humanity Should Serve God
Does God need our service? If not, then why should humanity serve him?
Take Heed Lest You Fall
Does the Bible teach that a Christian cannot ever fall away from grace?
The Biblical Concept of “Time”
What is the biblical concept of time? In this article, we explore several ideas associated with time from a biblical perspective.
The Authority of Jesus Christ
Authority is one of those words that usually creates an instant emotional reaction—in some folks, fear and distrust, in others safety and order. While Jesus was the image of love and gentleness, he also possesses and exercises great authority.
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
Should Women Function as Translators in the Assembly?
A controversial question is whether women should be used as translators in the public worship assembly. Some, who would object to the modern practice of women leading public worship, have no problem in using a female translator. Others object to the practice. Carefully study this question with an open mind. Let God’s word be our guide during this study.
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship—Part 2
What is acceptable worship? This article is the second in a two-part series.
The Shocking New “Christian” Generation
Many analysts see some serious “flaws” in what is called “the new Christian generation.” It does appear there are serious problems with many who identify themselves with Jesus Christ.
The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
The Mandate for Christian Unity – A Study of Ephesians 4:1-6
Why is there so much religious diversity in the world—or even in the community of “Christendom”? Surely such is not the ideal will of God. Let us consider this theme most carefully.